You are our number 1 priority. We give you everything we have to boost your work, your skills, vision, relations and open your future paths on Earth.
Plus, you have much to teach all those important adult folks on how awesome an entire young generationc an be, when given a proper Enabling Environment.
We have seen many teenage changemakers move on, to university, research, social enterprise, media, music, global corporations, international law, governance … hence, we know that your future is open, and your path will change and be full of surprises. Wherever your guiding star may lead, we know it will have meaning, hence we seek to give you access to humanity’s finest, from amazing changemakers to institutions working on long-range futures and human security.
For the good of Life on Earth, but also your own, that is to lead a rich magical life and live dreams.
Here is what YL membership offers you. It’s FREE, since you’ve already earned a lifetime of return gifts by being your awesome self.
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feat. in YL Magazine + The Hero Show + educational media
Your story, interview, unfolding adventure as “column”
on social media
with action calls to boost your current activities
in #BeMoreAwesome
Hero profile, action guide, linked to with badges, map, speakers
YL Badges
for boosting, replicating, adding to your initiative
Speakers platform
bookings by schools, events
on Project-Planet Earth Map
to get found, show relations, unfolding impact
in YL Academy
for others to learn from your example
option to be instructor
in poster sets
for exhibits, learnspaces
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YL Coaches
to grow your venture, find allies, use YL media, methods, EL, crew for your events
Like-hearted Young Hero:ines
for inspiration, love, friends, collaboration, travel
Grand changemakers and world experts
Magical Coaches
to make life more awesome and inspire others
Intergenerational Hero Meets
to learn from one another
Rockstar Project Jams
Get together to boost a hero:ine’s project of your choice
Boss Battle Hero Challenges
Unite to help changemakers and stakeholders shape a region’s future
Innovation Ventures
with today’s Einsteins, learn, use, collaborate
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Learn on global issues and innovation
Event Invitations
by worldclass folks
Hero Crew
to join your events and ventures
Travel with Purpose
Visit hero:ines, add value, discover initiatives
Cultural Immersion
… in their communities, learn, enjoy, bond
Co-organize Summer Camps
with YL folks and youth teams
We offer our support to grow reach and support for your ventures, and for youth leadership in general … through nurturing an Enabling Environment for youth-led projects, a culture of Experiential Learning at schools and beyond, in collaboration with civic infrastructure like city, schools, public libraries, media and others …
YL Mini Course
Introduction to youth leadership, YL ecosystem, immediate action
in class & clubs
fit for school
Pan-Continental programs
Harness fascinating potentials in Pan-European, Pan-African context
Local Ecosystem Mapping
Visualize, activate local stakeholders, spaces, opportunities
LearnSpace HQ
for youth to gather, learn solutions, plan and realize projects
Home 2.2
Enable migrant youth to wield their superpowers for high impact on both homes
Sister City programs
powered by student clubs for SDGs, natural, cultural heritage
Local YL Magazine
An entire year’s activities make a magnificent Issue #1
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School Program Manager
name, institution