Child right hero/ines Emma and Jack of Books With No Bounds are at the UN Youth Forum on the Rights of Women – also to highlight that Canadian citizens of aboriginal heritage have the highest suicide rate in the world. View Emma’s speech as MC at the...
Get out for the book launch of ‘101 Reasons to get out of bed and save the planet’ – … “because I am in this book! I am so honoured to be in the book with 100 other amazing like Dr Jane Goodall and Sir Richard Branson! Thank you Natasha...
. . TEIL DER YOUTH-LEADER BERLIN KICK-OFF WOCHE Klick hier für das gesamte Programm . FÜR FAMILIEN / CHANGEMAKER / SPONSOREN / SCHÜLER / LEHRER / STIFTER / MEDIEN / DIPLOMATEN … wir kooperieren global in 18 Sprachen! . . Eine einzigartige Gelegenheit mit uns...
. TEIL DER YOUTH-LEADER BERLIN KICK-OFF WOCHE Klick hier für das gesamte Programm AM SAMSTAG, DEN 9. MAI organisieren wir das YOUTH FORUM auf der Hauptbühne am Breitscheidplatz, mit TALKS, Eric, YL Gründer, Ina, Friedensforum Gründerin, und diversen...
. TEIL DER YOUTH-LEADER BERLIN KICK-OFF WOCHE Klick hier für das gesamte Programm We are lead partner of BATTLEFIELD LOVE MEMORIALS (BLM), a gigantic art project by renowned Austrian artist Nikolaus Eberstaller. BATTLEFIELD LOVE MEMORIAL is a football...
TEIL DER YOUTH-LEADER BERLIN KICK-OFF WOCHE Klick hier für das gesamte Programm We partner for the new currency for a good world – the 7 VIRTUES edition of Nikiolaus Eberstaller’s HONEYS (Homemade Money) Art Project. The first edition...
COME HAVE AN AWESOME TIME AT UPLIFT FESTIVAL IN BYRON BAY! We’ve had an unforgettable time of inspiration with a bunch of lovely, kind, magical creatures and awesome changemaker folks in 2012 and 2013, and this year is going to be just as magical!...
Will you be around LIMA for the time of the UNITED NATIONS conference? Meet Kjell, YL MESSENGER for Latin America, founder of the LINGO Leave It In the Ground Coalition, global training coordinator for Plant-For-The-Planet etc etc. Kjell will be >...
. Rachel will be speaking at TEDx Toronto! View the livestream, or join the party “live” if you live nearby! OFFICIAL WEBSITE RACHEL’S PREVIEW CLIP UPDATE! VIEW HER TALK HERE BROWSE AND VIEW ALL TALKS ON THE...
“Today the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples gives us the modern tools to stand up and declare our rights. We have come back to the table on the basis of what is recognized for Indigenous Peoples’ rights and on the basis of what...