Adult, Ancestral Culture, Art, Changemaker, Coach, Cooperation, Craft, Culture, Economy, Education, english, Europe, Expert, Gardening, Global, Learning, Mage, Magic and Adventure, medium, Paradise City, sevengardens, Training and certification, video, visit, workshop
PETER REICHENBACHSEVENGARDENS * RCE RUHR UNITED NATIONS UNIVERSITY, GERMANY more info & booking “When you learn that the colors and make-up you use are sourced from children that will eventually die from poisoned lungs, you’ll want to use natural...
Adult, Africa, afrikaans, Children and Youth, Coach, Culture, deutsch, english, often, Theatre, video, visit, workshop
VINCENT MEYBURGHJUNGLE THEATRE, CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA more info & booking “Theater! What can we do with theatre?” Theatre is a lovely form of expression that comes to short nowadays. Let’s do something magical that doesn’t require a year...
Adult, Clothing, Craft, Culture, Economy, english, Environment, Expert, Health and Healing, hindi, India, medium, video, visit
GAUR KUCHHALAYURSATWA, TRADITIONAL MASTER DYER, JANIPUR, INDIA more info & booking “Quote.” Gaur is a traditional master dyer that re-awakened late to this ancestral craft when her boy said “mom, you are not happy doing service jobs. What do you...
Adult, Basic Needs, Children and Youth, Culture, event, Expert, Girls Women Boys Men, Health and Healing, Human Rights, Mage, Oceania, peace, Personal development, video, Violence
ROBIN GRILLEPARENTING AUTHOR, AUSTRALIA more info & booking “A bright future is upon us. We know that the simple and certain key to a good, peaceful, prosperous future simply is a non-violent childhood.” Robyn brings us the best news imaginable:...