Adult, Art, Coach, Craft, deutsch, english, Europe, Gardening, Learning, Maker Stuff, often, Permaculture, sevengardens, turkish, video, workshop
ZEYNEP KARABACZAKNATURAL COLORS + COSMETICS * GARDEN BUILDERS * SEVENGARDENS, GERMANY more info & booking “The best learnspace for school, girls and kids are youth-powered Gardens with a Purpose. You can set them up in a whiffy!” City girls and plant...
Adult, Agroforestry, Changemaker, Ecosystems, english, Environment, Europe, event, Expert, Gardening, Mage, rare, video, workshop
MARY REYNOLDSWE ARE THE ARK, IRELAND more info & booking “We need to become guardians, not gardeners.” Mary is an Irish nature activist famous for absolutely mesmerizing mystical landscape design. To us, she is a veritable fairy with a priority mission...
Adult, Ancestral Culture, Art, Changemaker, Coach, Cooperation, Craft, Culture, Economy, Education, english, Europe, Expert, Gardening, Global, Learning, Mage, Magic and Adventure, medium, Paradise City, sevengardens, Training and certification, video, visit, workshop
PETER REICHENBACHSEVENGARDENS * RCE RUHR UNITED NATIONS UNIVERSITY, GERMANY more info & booking “When you learn that the colors and make-up you use are sourced from children that will eventually die from poisoned lungs, you’ll want to use natural...