keep clear and short
start with ROW with cliparts for
- send link content FORM on THIS page
- surveys – links to forms on THIS page
- donate hjelp in kind (link to page DONATE)
- online volnteer (link to oage OV in TEAM section)
- partner (link to page with over for YL FOR YOU for user groups

Why it's precious
High impact, relevant impact on lives and land,

Story Tips
Why it's precious
High impact, relevant impact on lives and land,

Why it's precious
High impact, relevant impact on lives and land,

Online Volunteer
Why it's precious
High impact, relevant impact on lives and land,

Why it's precious
High impact, relevant impact on lives and land,

to your favorite YL hero:ines and programs
Why it's precious
High impact, relevant impact on lives and land,
wth our without toggle?
Form ID
donation form
also view more opportunities milestones for project partners in crisis regions
also view in-kind help
link to boostclub
view more on yl programs, yl funding catalog (maybe SUPPORT YL PAGE?)

Story & Linktips
Tell us of content and partners
Why it's precious
You know of people in your region that we'd never find! Their story, solution and guidance helps others, and we can support their initiative. It can make impact and only takes you seconds.
Story & Content Tips
Form ID
Potential users and partners (mayors, schools, funders, media, museums ...)
Form ID

YL Surveys
pic clipart on hero:ines, solutions, great stuff for YL Magazine, Map & more
Why it's precious
You know of people in your region that we'd never find! Their story, solution and guidance helps others, and we can support their initiative. It can make impact and only takes you seconds.
What is the image and situation of youth in your town and country? Got hero:ines? Epic schools?
What ... are your dreams for the world? are your goals? are you willing to do? do you need? can we help with?
Your experience and views are of high value for our work and outreach.
engaging in high impact projects en masse are a game changer for society
Form ID
Form ID
Key Professionals
share our core purpose to enable Able Active Citizens, have superpowers and co-benefit most for their professional goals, roles and responsibilities in civic infrastructure
Maybe add the short introduction text here
Form ID
Mayors, Councilors, City Managers
Form ID
Public Librarians
Form ID
Form ID
Civic Groups
Form ID
Join the YL Collaborative “Youth Leadership in Europe“ for
- FREE consultation on how YL can support your goals
- 1 year of online training
- premium access to YL programs, trainings
- community of colleagues sharing your vision all over Europe
Adult Allies
support youth leadership with skills, resources and relations
Form ID
Form ID
Funders & Wealthholders
Form ID
Form ID
I am amazed by students’ passion, vision and willingness. I realize that – as science teacher – I never asked these questions.
Zacharias, teacher, South Sudan