25 years at the intersection of sustainability solutions, education, youth leadership, positive news and social enterprise
ICDE World Conference, International Council for Open and Distance Education (microcredentials, badges)
Metaweb Book publication
Uganda Quidditch Cup
- YL Academy online training and seminar platform
- YL LearnSpace HQs as Learn- & Leadership Centres in Crisis Regions
- New Project Partners in South Sudan, and in Nakivale Refugee Settlement, Uganda
- Program Partner for SDG projects with students of 64 State of New York SUNY University colleges with the Experiential Learning Network ELN, University of Buffalo
- YL Simulation Game
- Research on YL + EL ecosystems
- Local YL + EL ecosystem mapping
- YL Project-Planet Earth interactive online Map
- Experiential Learning EL culture becomes part of our program scope
- YL Badges on PEARL STANDARD model designed by ELN, University of Buffalo, New York State lead university
- Ecosystem Restoration Alliance ERA membership
- YL Manual publication, 500+ pages
- YL Story Set
- Overweb partner, on-site chat window, Web4 Foundation
- YL Pan-African Worknet activation
- Self-Defense online training for girls in Kakuma Refugee Camp with Red Brigade Trust trainers Sushmita, Ajay, Ruby
Efficient Development Summit, Geneva
COP 28 Earthday climate education campaign
South Africa Water Festival
Green Climate Arts ERASMUS, Okolariet, Denmark
South Africa Water Festival
Men’s Views Book, Gayle Kimball
- YL Scouting Tour Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 9 months
- YL LearnSpace Pack
- YL LearnSpaces
- Magical Coaches
- Competence Partner, RCE-Ruhr, United Nations University
UNESCO Digital Learning Conference, Paris
German-African SDG Collaboration Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa
SDG prep-conference, Bonn, Germany
Auszeichnung sevengardens UNESCO Strukturmaßnahme
Greta Thunberg starts Fridays For Future FFF
AURORA rises
Bildungslandschaften-Konferenz der DKJS
- sevengardens Jubiläumsmagazin
- YL Crash Course Pack for YL Coach training and certification
- Pocket Garden workbook with Qumara International
- YL XXL Ambience Poster Set, incl sevengardens, Kalima Design, Red Brigade Trust
- YL Book New Kids On The Planet
Florida MSD school shooting survivors start March For Our Lives MFOL
UNESCO Digital Learning Conference, Paris
- YL The 7 Virtues Coloring Book
- YL This Young Generation in 5 languages
- Partnership with Balance Edutainment for Pacha’s Pajamas
- YL Scouting Tour, France, 9 months
Pacha’s Pajamas Musical
Pacha’s Pajamas VR Book
Xiuhtezcatl’s Earth Guardians grow to hundreds of teams on six continents
YL @ COP 21 UN Climate Conference, Paris
YL @ Erde Nach Vorn Kindergipfel
YL @ International Peace Festival
YL @ World Health Conference
- YL is partner of IYONS India Conference and Loyola College event, with Babar Ali, Rhiannon Tomtishen (Project Orangs), Red Brigade Trust, Holley Somerville-Knott, Nidhi Ghauran (SHE)
- Battlefield Love at Anhalter Bahnhof Berlin
- 7 Virtues Money art
- YL is partner of NightScience Paris Conference, with Babar Ali (India), Nellie Shute (Hong Kong), Joseph and Lonjezo (Malawi), Adora Svitak (USA)
YL Cardgame in 12 languages
YL @ COP 20 Prep Conference, Peru
Xiuhtezcatl speaks at United Nations as representative of civil society
Cassandra at Mexico Social Enterprise Summit
Earth Guardians at Unity Concert, Black Hills
Earth Guardians at ARISE Festival
Earth Guardians (Voice of Youth) publish music album Generation RYSE
Uplift Festival, Australia, Rachel, Xiuhtezcatl, Vandana Shiva
Rachel Parent slays Kevin O’Leary over GMOs, scores millions of views
YL’s Change Generation RISING
YL Cardgame
YL Hero:ines Poster Set
First YL Warrior Honor Shirts go to Emma and Julia, Rachel, Xiuhtezcatl
YL organizes 24h Livestream on UN Day of Youth
YL Special Issue with UBA (German Federal Environment Agency) for rio+20 Prep Conference
Youth Rising For Peace publication
Polly Higgins Ecocide interview @ World Peace Festival
YOUTH-LEADER Magazine Wall Display posters
YL Oceania Magazine
UN Online Volunteers from 70 countries
11,000 UNOV applications
YL has annualy attracted 10% of global UN Online Volunteers to apply for YL Magazine tasks
Images and Voices of Hope IVOH Award 2012 for Eric Schneider
Pacesetter Status in Ashoka Changemakers’ re:imagine learning Challenge with the LEGO Foundation
UNOV United Nations Online Volunteer Award 2012 for YL Team Youth Rising for Peace
YL @ rio+20 Conference Germany
UNESCO’s ESD Round Table decides on Youth Leadership as one of three priorities for 2012
Member, National Round Table for Implementation of the World Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, UNESCO Germany
UNV Annual Report 2010 OV Best Practice
World Aware Education Award Finalist, Council of Europe
YL Omnicultural Festival Calendar
YOUTH-LEADER Magazine in 14 languages
UN Online Volunteers from 70 countries
9,000 UNOV applications
4th Status as Official Project of the UNITED NATIONS Decade of Education for Sustainable Development DESD, UNESCO
N+ Noticias Positivas Argentina partnership, 3 million weekly listeners
YL India Magazine
UN Online Volunteers from 60 countries
7,000 UNOV applications
UNOV United Nations Online Volunteer Award 2010 for YL Team India
Baltic Challenge runner-up
YL @ Vision Summit
YL @ Entrepreneurship Summit
YL @ Half-time Conference of the UNITED NATIONS Decade of Education for Sustainable Development DESD, UNESCO
- YL designs European Student Company Campus, with Kaospilots
- YL session @ European Youth Week
- 5,000 UNOV applications
- YOUTH-LEADER Magazine in 10 languages
- 3rd Status as Official Project of the UNITED NATIONS Decade of Education for Sustainable Development DESD, UNESCO
3,000 UNOV applications
YOUTH-LEADER Magazine in 7 languages
Vision Summit
Water Conference, Argentina
G8 Summit
YOUTH-LEADER Magazine in 6 languages
2nd Status as Official Project of the UNITED NATIONS Decade of Education for Sustainable Development DESD, UNESCO
YOUTH-LEADER Magazine in 3 languages
IDEC International Democratic Education Conference, Australia
IDEC International Democratic Education Conference
IPA, International Play Association World Conference
INST.at TUAC The Unifying Aspects of Culture Conference, Austria
Status as Official Project of the UNITED NATIONS Decade of Education for Sustainable Development DESD, UNESCO
YOUTH-LEADER Magazine launch
Opening Conference of the UNITED NATIONS Decade of Education for Sustainable Development DESD
Tour 21 Music album
Tour 21 Schwimmendes Zukunftsklassenzimmer, Schirmherr Jürgen Tritten, Bundesministerium für Umwelt BMU
5 months @ expo2000 – YL Vision is born
Evolution of World Order EWOC Conference, Canada
Global Learn Day Conference, USA
Name, id, location