The space’s Heartpiece is the
Poster Exhibit
on teen and adult changemakers, Youth Leadership Essentials, and the SDGs.
It creates the frame, and sets the tone and intention.

And 30 more
40 solution stories, 160+ actions
50 videos, music … and more in Resources
37 Hero*ine Posters
with a photo representative of their initiative, their story and an action guide with level 1-4 actions, simple to advanced for greater impact.
To make browsing the exhibit digestible, we cover the texts with flip cards.
#1 sums up the story in one sentence.
#2 with SDGs + QR Code to online profile with videos, interviews etc.
Flip ’em up to read more.
Easy to make.

XXL Ambience Posters
Our LearnSpace also needs palpable spirit, beauty and vision, like magical portals into a dreamworld we wish to create.
Our XXL posters are beautiful, and initiates know that behind each photo is a story. This makes them strong teachers and companions to introduce newbies to the fascinating world of youth leadership. Your world.
Multi-media QR-link Posters
These hand-sized poster cards link to videos and music produced by teenage changemakers. This is exquisite stuff! These poster cards can be arranged in one spot, spread throughout the exhibit where they fit, or stacked as toolcards for use in workshop. Listen to a couple!

[spotifyplaybutton play=””/]
[spotifyplaybutton play=””/]
[spotifyplaybutton play=””/]
Add a Human
that can respond to kids’, teens’, parents’ and teachers’ questions
“What is this all about?” + “What can I do with this?”
Best is to be a certified YL Coach
This brief conversation goes a long way
This brief caring conversation from human-to-human is a personalized initiation to the world of youth leadership and how it can enrich this specific user’s life.
Coaches that know YL stories, tools, tricks and tactics well can highlight benefits and opportunities for this specific user – as child, student, parent, professional, teacher, activist, journalist …
… this builds the bridge towards deeper exploration, involvement, contributions, swift actions, co-creative community, continuous collaboration and more.
Users also get to feel the Coaches sincere passion, commitment, which forms a bond of trust. personal connection, feeling welcome, wanted and understood in this place, which, as a highly frequented “public space” is often hectic and superficial, and citizens are only treated as paying guests or listeners …
… whereas here they are friends and members and co-creators that actually bring the place to life …
… people love it, but this is NEW, people do not expect it. Hence, we have to convey this information, and this is best done through an experience of feeling it.
The “tags” address the mind.
This encounter addresses the heart.
YL Coach Certification
Book a face-2-face training
or self-train yourself with our online crash course.
This training opens your eyes to youth power, to see opportunity for youth leadership everywhere, to be able to storytell, inspire, equip and empower people left and right, to support teen and twen hero*ines, to reach out to schools, activate local allies … short : to masterfully evolve your LearnSpace!
Free 1-on-1 Video Coaching
is available for certified YL Coaches that want to activate their (certified) Learnspace, get on the YL Map and interact with the global Tribe.
YL Masterclasses
If you develop a big venture or want to #speedrun with robust steps to Activate Your City and region, you can also join a Masterclass that will accompany you over weeks and months. Eric will join you as a team mate for this period – via video or even onsite.
Tool Sets
Positive change doesn’t happen empty-handed.
We provide a valuable set of tools to start and evolve actions to ripple across the community and region, at home, schools, workplaces, in public and media. The tools provide basic understanding, inspiration and countless creative opportunities inspired by the local setting and one’s own ideas and talent – and they are connected to the YL community and platforms, so that every creative result can be published and shared for greater reach, relevance, inspiring learning and interactions. They connect with real initiatives, real people, many of which can be contacted for Q&A, coaching and collaboration. All this is new, exciting, powerful and opens entirely new opportunities than people are used to-date.
The #bemoreawesome
Crash Course for groups
is the perfect tool for getting started – by oneself, as a group, or guided by a YL Coach.
It is a fascinating interactive immersion in youth leadership using story-posters, videos, music, feedback posters, action guides, project roadmaps … and fast-tracks newbies to take action, make remarkable impact in their communities and globally, generate presence at schools and media (and in public, if they decide to), form teams and build supportive community. It can be completed in 3 to 30 days.
Completion can also score a YL Badge for CVs and even a YL Coach Certificate.
50 Teenage Changemaker Action Guides
No need to re-invent the wheel. Get started with what works!
Each Hero*ine Action Guide shows story, QR-code link to an online profile with videos, interviews and more, lists 4 proposed actions to support, implement, evolve their high impact model solution; level 1-4 easy to advanced for bigger impact. This makes 200+ actions, and another 200 online.
#BeMoreAwesome Action Program for Youth age 8-18
How to live change-making as a “sport” and reality adventure in real-time coop with today’s Gandhis and Gryffindores, and with many benefits like valuable badges, ranks and more
YL Manual
- Youth Leadership
- Changemaker Student Clubs
- YL Essentials
- #bemoreawesome Group Crash Course
- Adult Allies, Key Professionals
- LearnSpaces
YL Guides
- FUNdraising
- Positive media
- Positive art, music
- Speakers
- Project Partners
- Planetary Campaigns
Global SDG School Challenge
Activate a school to Live The SDGs – in Action! with tangible impact on all 17 SDGs, based on model solutions of 50 young and 50 adult changemakers; plus bonus challenges for bronze, silver, gold status
sevengardens Magazine XL
Source colors from plants and discover plenty of uses in play, art, dyeing, fair trade fashion, education, health, urban design, research, outdoor activities … from real-world of examples of sevengardens dialogers all over Earth – and be part!
Germinating Life
Discover the fascinating world of seeds and sprouts and discover that you yourself are living part of a sacred magical world, the Queendom Of Nature, profanely mislabelled Planet Earth
Fermenting Life
Create mega boosters of vitality, immune system and health – like sauerkraut, kim chi, kombucha – like ancient masters in fairy tales. If you find it yukky, gift it to grand/parents. and wonder about your new skills. They will change your relations with the natural world.
Change Generation Music Teaching Tool
No 60s event without pertaining music. But where are today’s teens singing their new music? It exists. Listen, reflect, perform, compose your own, record, share!
Pachas Pajamas Musical
For the little ones, but also the coolest musical there is, we say. Enjoy the story, and also use the book and musical as activity tool; plus play scenes as walk-acts, at kindergartens and elementary schools.
Parenting for a Peaceful World
The ultimate book explaining why a few societies are functional and all others fail. Must-read.
Ethical OS
Look at (un)known digital innovations and how they can help or hurt our dream of a fair, peaceful, libertarian, democratic, egalitarian, sustainable society, based on vision and knowhow of future forecasters.
more coming
Spread out
Manifest model solutions in- and outside your Place
that are interactive, a lesson, empower + can be replicated by others.
Imagine the impact of these all over town, at each school and beyond. #WayToGo

Dyeing Color Garden
as source for making color for play, art, dyeing, clothes, crafts, education, culture, research, science …

Public Food Forest
on sidewalks, as fence, as greenery, as edible landscape, learnscape …

Seed Library
including traditional varieties. To take seeds, plant, harvest food, harvest seeds, return (more) seeds. And of course to contribute more varieties.

Declare an ARK
Gift private and public land back to the Earth for her wild children* to make their home. *animals, plants, minerals
To boost biodiversity, as Learnscape, to save money on greencutting, as water capture at roads, with insect hotels etc

Drop-Off Monster for Book, Games, LEGO Drives ...
throughout the year, to be delivered to project partnes across the region and abroad

Photo News Wall
showing activities, impact, feedback from recipients etc

UN Action Days Calendar
with 50 UN Theme Days that we serve with solutions, role models, actions
Bring the Exhibit to Life
you can easily bring the Exhibit to life with interactive features and even make it a Micro Fair
during project weeks, town fests and festivals …
… with vegan delights, Philanthro-Party play stations, LemonAID sale and donations for fav hero*ines or current causes, with petitions, surveys, video interviews to get published online, conversations with invited guests, video-meets with international project partners that you raise FUNds for, playshops for sourcing colors from plants, creating clay ocean animals and claymotion movie scenes, performing and recording music, calling for teams to launch new ventures …
… there’s lots of ideas and guides in our resources. Get creative. Be smart. Be silly. Be spectacular! And vividly document your adventures to share with social / news media, us and the world.

There’s favorites for everybody among 400+ multi-faceted, impactful activities in Action Guides and resources. Plus, there’s what the host space and local allies have to offer. In general, we can look at 6 different types of activities.
Note how many new, precious opportunities emerge when a place declares itself a YL LearnSpace.
YL-inspired Activities
The resources enable many activities (self-) organized by
- the YL Coach on site
- visitors that turn into users
- inspired people that return for activities as crew and community
- youth teams / student clubs / YL Warrior Clans that use this space as outer school Headquarter
Host-space Activities
The host can use the space, spirit and inspired community to invite citizens and schools for workshops etc on topics their focus on (and which now gain more attention and more users).
Coaches + Contributors
Next, invite highly inspiring youth- and action-oriented contributors! Magical Coaches are the best partners : they share the “trademark” of empowering people with practical skills, are bubbly, warm-hearted, huggable (the kids’ favorite teacher kind of person), and are “available beyond office hours” because they love kids, and empowering people is their life mission. Many also have precious resources, relations and spaces to visit, e.g. theatre coaches, self-defense trainers, bee-keepers, permaculture-farmers, vegan chefs … All this makes out their uplifting presence, enables fired-up people to deepen the experience, enables further project activities and spreads news of the LearnSpace through their networks.
For inspiration, view YL Magical Coaches
As the LearnSpace evolves, the crew will engage in many activities beyond the space itself.
After all, this is where real change happens.
City-wide activities
… activating schools, workplaces, media, partners, actions in public spaces … from FUNdraisers to edible landscapes.
This adds highly exciting sense of agency, swift results, growth of reach, community, partners, stories, photos, impact, ideas, opportunities. And it is the urgently needed step to evoking relevant change.
View Evolution
Regional activities
… hikes to discover and vividly document natural and cultural heritage, visit partners, organize canoeing and horseriding trips for underpriviledged kids …
This “roadtrip-feel” connection to nature, moving around, discovery adds tremendously to the vibe, flair and program scope and value. Here, we experience truly being alive with people and planet, whereas many other activities are mental, skill and cause-focused. All of them are needed.
We will only protect what we love.
View Evolution
“Distant” activities all over the planet
Together with fascinating changemakers all over Earth, users can act as a driving force
- to achieve new milestones for these important initiatives for people and planet,
- to kickstart and amplify youth leadership in places of need
- in global, collaborative projects like positive news media, art and music
These activities add the intriguing “global feel”, making a difference, being one and interconnected, and achieving rapid impact in places where dollars have 10x more worth.
View YL Project Partners
Take note that all this is self-organized by the inspired user community of citizens, youth and student clubs.
It’s not another work burden to be carried by the host space’s staff as “entertainment for consumers”.
This is extraordinary good news!
Of course, host staff and external coaches are part of the user community, and they will naturally enjoy to contribute to realising exciting program ideas.
The Key to success
… is to activate inspired user community that forms a self-organized crew wielding 400+ actions following their passion, and activating their homes, schools and workplaces.
The new magic tools, tricks and tactics to make this happen are
(a) the exhibit as physical, long-term space and identity and place to gather and learn powermoves.
(b) the #bemoreawesome Crash Course as an intense, memorable immersion in the spirit of youth leadership, the vivid visionary experience of the greater Story that we are all part of, culminating in swift High Impact Actions to experience one’s agency, impact, media presence, celebration and motivation for “what’s next?”
(c) reaching out to schools, they daily hangout of 1,000s of youth near you, who are bored, are meant to learn to #bemoreawesome (view Education Law §1 The Purpose Of Schooling), and seek rockstar changemakers, epic coaches and places to meet where they are respected, appreciated, and welcome to set up HQs. Your offer are the crash course, or just session #1 as an interactive presentation on youth leadership, exhibit, workshops, project days, excursions to the LearnSpace, follow-up activities and coaching for inspired students, international project partners, training of teachers as YL Coach, with certification. That’s mighty, and there’s more.
(d) activating priority partners in Key Professions that share our core purpose to “activate able, active, caring citizens” : teachers, public librarians, journalists, city councillors, civil society. All of them resonate well with our “tags” and services of nurturing Youth Leadership and Living the SDGs – In Action, and trust our seals of quality – UNESCO and UNITED NATIONS UNIVERSITY.
Being realistic
Imagine this had been done ten, twenty years ago … what today’s teen and twen generations would be like. How they would have scaled teen hero*ines initiatives 1,000-fold. What a horrible thing to realize all the unnecessary suffering, just because people were ignorant of solutions and too lazy.
People are still boring, but they are waking up. Nothing’s guaranteed. Everything depends on your spirit, your context, on youth and sheer luck – but never in human history have you been better equipped and called to achieve this.
So don’t waste another day. Drop all doubts and get rolling #Speedrun to a #BrightNewWorld Whatever happens, it is better than what’s there today, and it is likely to greatly enrich your life!