
is how you set up a LearnSpace


is how you can evolve it from a modest exhibit into an SDG LearnZone connected across the city, and into a full-fledged changemaker HUB with partners all over the planet.

Browse the steps on this page. You’ll see they are feasible, and the results are common sense. Then view the Example.

Set up the Exhibit

It makes the world of youth leadership present and gives you something *new* to advertize in town, invite people, have a conversation about “look what youth can really do today”, and communicate a message of “let’s rock remarkable changes together!”, “what are your dreams for people and planet, and how can we help make them real?”

Questions? Insecurities? Ideas? Get Coaching

  • on set up and design
  • on strategy, users, activities, partners, evolution


(Self-) Train as YL Coach

Qualify yourself as the perfect host, get to know your new global community of changemakers and partners, and make a statement that you have a competence that’s important. Once you’ve completed the Crash Course, you know that you have something fabulous, new, important and powerful to offer to so many people. This goes far beyond “hope”, to swiftly making robust changes to lives, land, learning, laws and industries – like today’s teenage hero*ines do, and with them.

Tell the World about it

Advertize boldly and positively. Emphasize the new offers : high impact youth leadership, training, instant action, forming teams, setting up HQ, taking it to one’s school, becoming adult allies as citizens, business and professionals, launching international project partners … it’s the stuff people love to read on social media – and now you make it possible in your neighbourhood!

> Direct the message via social media. It’s your people, here you can be enthusiastic, casual and personal. Can you swiftly create first crew and generate vibrant photos to ripple out to media?

> Direct to regional news media! Enclose photos, videos, invite the media to visit for an interview.

> Direct to specific user groups : children, families, parents, teachers, journalists, civil society – view Key Professionals below, and learn more about their Superpowers in the YL Manual and on the YL for Adults / Key Professionals pages so that you can best inspire ideas for collaboration that generates valuable win-win benefits for them

“Tags” like SDGs, youth leadership, projects, partners, changemakers, young role models, student clubs, UNESCO, RCE, ESD, GCE … ring a bell with different people. It is necessary to use every means possible to get people’s attention in these busy times, especially when you are introducing something as new as this in a world where people believe that youth and citizens cannot evoke remarkable changes, that it is hard work, and that few people care anyway. – view Tags


for all kinds of interesting new activities – think about their win-win benefits and aim to make them real for them, together!

  • for guided tours of the exhibit
  • for the #BeMoreAwesome Crash Course
  • for trainings as YL Coach
  • to learn how to set up LearnSpaces
  • to develop collaborations
  • to get involved
  • to contribute
  • to participate in workshops
  • to act as magical coach
  • to support project partners
  • to start the Global SDG School Challenge at their schools
  • to organize actions in public
  • to join special crews : “media crew”, “Philanthro-Party crew”
  • to form a youth team
  • to form changemaker student clubs
  • to connect as a school
  • to team up as partner
  • to join the coaches community
  • to become a supporter

Reach out to schools

That’s where all youth are every day. This is the one place where you can reach them all. You have the content, actions, support and space (outer school HQ) that they need to succeed as a generation in this turbulent century. Use the right tags for teachers and youth : SDGs, ESD, GCE, role models, young hero*ines, youth leadership, self-organized learning, outer school learnspace, follow-up activities, coaching.

Organize #bemoreawesome Crash Courses

They are the strongest activator for youth and adults to get involved in youth leadership, to form teams that will establish long-term presence at the LearnSpace / at schools, and to self-organize follow-up activities. It is okay to start only with session #1 (Discover Youth Leadership). Session #2 (The Hero*ine’s Path workshop) can be organized depending on interest. Fired-up youth will follow up with Phases #3 and #4; self-organized or accompanied by a YL Coach (you).

Organize your favorite Activities

based on teenage hero*ines’ examples. You’ll know lots of them from your personal Crash Course (as YL Coach) and from the exhibit and pertaining action guides. Also, pay attention to High Impact Starter Actions with popular actions that make quick, exciting impact, enable high participation and generate vibrant media presence.

Invite your community, and the public, and schools, and organizations. Document it well visibly for social and news media, and also in print for display at your LearnSpace.

Expand the Space across your grounds

with first installations : dyeing color garden, vertical garden, sidewalk food forest, micro-biotope, FUNdraiser tables, (printed) activity news wall, audio installations with the Pacha’s Pajamas musical, Change Generation music, hero*ine short stories (spoken by you) … and combine them with guided tours and workshops :

Tip : call your community and the public to join in creating above-mentioned installations; it is a rare opportunity to co-create public space, and the experience empowers people to replicate the project 

Imagine that inspired folks take above-mentioned projects to 5-10 more places. That’ll be 10-50 places in year#1. That’s the goal.

Vividly Document all activities

on a local news wall – this becomes an ever evolving eclectic kaleidoscope of action and inspiration, where participants find themselves, and where newbies can learn at one glance all sorts of activities going on here. Make the vibrant fun spirit felt by documenting in positive news style, and by observing basics in good photo-shooting (that’s simple!) and video-shooting (that’s also simple), on your website, on social news media of a growing community of 100s of users, crew, staff, teams, partners, schools and coaches involved (who share it on social media and newsletters reaching 1,000s), in regional news media (reaching 10,000s) and in YL media, making our day!

Build a Youth Team

uniting fired up youth from several schools, so they regard the space as their Outer School Headquarter, and take the action to their schools by forming Changemaker Student Clubs with LearnSace HQs at their schools, thereby reaching 1,000s of youth every day, every year. They have the spirit, creativity, superpowers (incl daily presence at schools, good status with media, funders etc) and TIME to develop badass high impact actions. This is really priority#1 goal.

Build a community of Adult Allies

of citizens, teachers, coaches, partners, journalists, city councillors and organizations. Our experience is that “everybody loves youth leadership” and the new freely given inspiration and offers to enable action, coaching for youth and caring allies. As you organize activities, as people experience how much they can participate, work with you, take away useful skills, tools and relations, they will naturally get involved. Just trust the process, be active and speak about it.

Tip: It works for teen hero*ines, it will work for you. So make sure to activate Youth Teams!

Start a Global Project Partnership

with fascinating changemakers abroad who change the future of an entire region! And your support will help them reach next milestones – for sure – by giving support that their regional population cannot provide. Yes, often it’s about donations, it’s about book drives, but also about all sorts of in-kind support and also project activities, often with youth, schools etc of their region, and yours. This is one of the most intensive, spectacular and adventurous experiences – and it’s simply to start because these are already successful ventures that you can hop on, amplify, accelerate and scale up! Plus, you can have live-meets – which adds exciting global, intercultural flair – and your community can even go visit! As family holiday, as school class, as group expedition, as volunteers, trainers … how exciting. And your vivid documentation and report will make waves via schools, social and news media, your poster news wall, and thereby grow your supportive community and your status as badass actor for the SDGs. View YL Project Partners

Invite, map and team up with local Magical Coaches

that’s people that can teach practical skills for creating a good life and world … and whose character is the “student’s favorite teacher” type. People who care so much for empowering youth that they are ready to also be available informally, on evenings and week-ends to help fired up youth learn and achieve their aims. Many coaches love working with young people as crew, but lack passionate youth that are willing to go beyond the little stuff youth have been doing to-date. Now, this type is appearing. And we are all going to work together.

The idea is to connect coaches with the young generation and their allies – at and beyond school. Your place is one place for this, but let’s make them visible on the YL Map so that our growing user community can connect with them without going through you or us. The YL Map

Invite Key Professionals

(that share our core purpose : “to activate able, active, caring citizens”) coaches, teachers, public librarians, journalists, city councillors, civil society – so they learn how they can benefit from your LearnSpace for their professional purpose and aspirations, how to contribute, co-create as partners, and also how to collaborate as a community* … knowing one another, sharing resources, relations, ideas, goals and teaming up across discplines and sectors to make them come true. So exciting! So super exciting! And you are the epi-centre making this possible. also because you are the magical space with the right ambience to come together!

* for specific projects, needs of your city, but : perfect overarching unifying ventures are the Global SDG School Challenge (action on all 17 SDGs), Spring/Summer of Sustainability and local positive news YL Magazine Edition.

Roles and Benefits of Key Professionals

To give you an idea how wonderfully they benefit:

Magical Coaches benefit of a quality space of able, caring learners where to offer their often invisible, underrated expertise and practical skills, make contact to schools and citizens, and with option for YL certification, UNESCO status, getting on the YL Map and more.

Teachers get a place to visit, workshops, speakers, projects, tools, ways to empower and equip and train Changemaker Student Clubs, also with an outer school HQ as partner where they can deepen their learning (like a sports club, music school or basketball turf), access to coaches, training, certification and more

Public Librarians get coaching on setting up LearnSpaces at their own place and ways to collaborate as partners.

Journalists get exciting local stories, also columns, and then local hero*ines whose unfolding adventures they can tell.

City Councillors get a able active youth, active citizenry, positive news, vobrant public spaces, a centre of competence with outposts all over town for curbing harassment, poverty, depression, violence … all of which boosts their aims of a thriving city with peace, joy and abundance for all, – and protects their lives.

Civil Society benefits from a quality space of high quality action, community, communication and collaboration – for a general changemaking climate in town, but also to train their own members, their youth, and contribute their own expertise and resources, such as spaces, knowhow on funding and more.

Activate schools for the Global SDG School Challenge

and offer your services as coach, speaker, outer school meeting point (HQ, LearnSpace), connecting inspired students and teachers with coaches and project partners for causes they are passionate about. This is the broadest, multi-faceted program you can possibly kick off, and it resonates with many people, since the SDGs are en vogue, people would love to see youth empowered, and see impact being made. View the Global SDG School Challenge

Throw Philanthro-Parties* : party with a purpose

involving your crew and community. Invite the public in co-creating it – include families, kindergartens, schools, seniors, youth clubs, organizations, sports clubs … artists and media makers … you can very well align this with UN Theme Days, seasons, holidays … find inspiration in our FUNdraising Guide

* Learn about this genius philosophy dreamed up by Lulu Cerone, foundrix of LemonAID Warriors. Their crews produce a tremendous amount of inspirational content, ideas, examples, models, activities … on their social media, website and in Lulu’s book Philanthro-Party! A Party-Planning Guide for Kids Who Want to Give Back

Use UN Theme Days

The young changemakers featured in the Exhibit have solutions and impactful initiatives for many UN Theme Days like water, forests, ocean, wetlands, girls, family, teachers, peace, rural women, food, environment, sports for development … 50 days in total, an average of one per week. UN Days are the annual highlight (like a bday party) of organizations working on that theme – and you bring fresh energy to the table, you even open a new dancefloor with rocking records! And they fit well with UN SDGs of course. Teachers really appreciate doing something special and relevant on UN Days to bring global issues to life. Caring journalists also publish on UN Days to “raise awareness”, but only present sad data on problems. You and local youth offer solutions that make a tangible difference, and a colorful story of working with today’s Einsteins, Gandhis and Gryffindores. 

Be present at town fests

with a Positive Change Micro Fair of activities. Make it the best FUn stand, add a dose of magic and adventure, with walk-acts etc … invite your growing community and dream up something cool and interactive for families, businesses and schools to contribute to – book, LEGO, games drives are the logical start, but think of something really cool and interactive for the contributors to receive back, to enjoy, to be part for some hours while they’re there!

Make the City run a “Spring/Summer of Sustainability”

with a holistic program with activities all over town for 1+ months. It exists in many places, but usually with a focus on info and raising awareness. We say it’s too lame. We say : add a strong youth and action-focus. As you get actively involved in YL, you can contribute an enormous lot with your g/local allies, crew and activities. This can be well combined with SDG School Challenge and creation of a local positive news YL Magazine Edition, since these projects encompass and combine everything that’s going on, generate many quality encounters with changemakers, citizens and users, generate weeks of media buzz, a grand finale for celebrations and prizes!

Organize a Video-Meet with a Hero*ine

to bring your adventure to life. Take action for their initiative before, to make his/her day, make the meeting the culminating highlight and by part of the adventure. Document it well visibly in your space, on social and news media.

Get certified as YL LearnSpace

ticking off all the modules that you have activated. Reason to celebrate!

Train and certify teachers, citizens and youth as YL Coaches

using the tag “We live the SDGs – in Action!” – because you can make an enormous quality contribution to SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)* and ESD (Education for Sustainable Development), GCE (Global Citizenship Education) – especially on the novel, revolutionary and all-decisive Goal 18 : Active Citizenship / Youth Leadership.

Co-produce a local “positive news” YL Magazine Edition

By now you have a rich community of active people, documented actions, cool places, outposts, plans, vision, partners … the call for contributions of positive stories, model solutions can now go to an even wider circle of social entrepreneurs, schools, civil society, the city(!) – also via newsletters and news media who are invited to team up for reporting on collected stories. 

Wham! This is enormous, yet simple

each step is feasible without big finance or experience. It’s all about spirit and about the magic that you set up and cultivate at the LearnSpace – the unfolding Changemaker Headquarter, a veritable local Hogwarts – oops! – connect to other schools of magic on different continents and sacred forests on land and under water.

Look, so far it was not possible to create such spaces – for lack of required degree of content, ambience, athlettic spirit (to make high impact!), scope of activities, self-organization by users as co-creators of the space and program, relevance for caring youth, adults, allies and magical coaches of their district and region. 

Now it is possible.