We are a global action community uniting newbies, youth, badass hero*ines, global experts, non-profits and caring citizens on fire to empower youth to change lives and land at record pace and scale like today’s teen hero*ines do – and with them.
It’s actually simple once you feel the spirit and practice basic moves. We teach you, in hours, with fun impact from day#1 and never stop!
We provide youth and adults, students and key professionals with coaching, materials, project partners, strategic planning, status and organizational structures to achieve tangible changes locally and far away.
We have proof of concept, hands-on organizing experience, and the will and drive of a volunteer-powered global changemaker community.
We refuse to let incompetent people push this luminous young generation into doom and gloom, to hurt and eradicate the magnificent Queendom of animals, plants and minerals, source of our Love and Dreams.
We imagine a world of peace, bliss and abundance for all. The solutions exist.
We are committed to #bemoreawesome. We learn from today’s Einsteins, Gandhis and Gryffindores and implement humanity’s finest solutions in our home regions, and upgrade ourselves to Able Active Caring Citizens of the emerging next-level Good society. #speedrun to Paradise
Here is what it feels like.
Everybody Loves It
“Wouhah, awesome, this should be at all schools”. We agree.
It’s simple. Because everybody loves it. Pick your role and let’s go.
Unlock the power of the most complete action resource set for youth
and their adult allies – caring citizens from all walks of life.

Inspire a Team. Make instant Impact. Build Community.
Media Presence. And so much more.
All with Youth-Leader.Org
Swift & Simple
Do like today’s hero*ines.
Contribute to their initiatives.
No experience required.

Stand out with inspiring action, bold vision and high-flying Spirit
Live your love for people and planet. Boundlessly.
Your dreamlife is waiting for you.
Start with flying banners!
FUNdraise, book drive, teach kids, boost biodiversity, plant edible gardens, explore the outdoors, create educational media, localize grand campaigns, act on the SDGs, rock global project partnerships – and know it’ll work out great.
Use tool bundles
Run Crash Courses, organize exhibits, set up LearnSpaces, use UN Days. Wield your wands, play your tricks and develop mastery. You already know how to do it!
Good Times is what we choose.
Evolve without Limits
The potential for rocking projects, city-wide networks, activating the citizenry, gaining nationwide reach – is built right in.
The Solutions Exist
400+ actions, 100+ causes. Favorites for everybody.
Follow the example of wildly succesful changemakers. While they had to break the ground, alone, you have their story, tools, support – plus countless tools and tricks to combine, upgrade, tweak, adapt. It works for them, it works for you.
Team up with real hero*ines
Join fascinating long-term projects and shape the future of entire regions – for kids, wildlife, fair fashion, biodiversity, to end street harassment, establish Earth Law. Only you have the power to unlock specific support required to reach next milestones and inter/national success. Are you ready?
Learn from those that achieve
Uplift yourself, your crew, class, community with humanity’s finest spirit and knowhow. Meet genius doers. What’s your big cause? These mages seek to help you find and unfold your superpowers – fast and fun!
Your Own Magazine
Stay Uplifted
anytime, anywhere and inspire the world to be part!
Global, local, digital, print, multimedia. Follow hero*ines’ unfolding adventures, and write the next chapters together! Contribute. Create. Make it Your Favorite.
Ban the terms hopeless and impossible from your vocabulary.
Life of boring is officially over.
Reach into Society
You bring inspiration, hope and opportunity. People love that. Dare to be spectacular.
Set up LearnSpaces.
Where can youth or/and adults come together to learn to create a better world, to plan and run projects? So far, nowhere. Here’s your toolset to create them!
Set up your Headquarter at school + in public spaces
like public libraries, living museums, community centres or parks to involve your school community, meet youth from other schools, inspire the citizenry in the place in town.
Evolve the exhibit to SDG Learnzone Get and National Youth Leadership Learning Centre – with official certification.
It’s all common sense
Activate Schools
Bring global issues to life with solution stories, role models, and Live the SDGs – in Action! Spark Changemaker Student Clubs to self-organize year-round action reaching the entire young generation, and involve the whole school with the Global SDG School Challenge. #MakeSchoolAwesome
Activate Home & Workplace
Enrich family life with hero spirit, profound conversations and act together. Activate adults’ daily hangout – the workplace with FUNdraisers, in-kind support, adopt a district’s schools, task staff to team up with youth crews and hero*ines.
Now is your time to be the ultimate role model – to wo/man up and heal y/our world, the kids’ world, from suffering. And to live your dearest dreams.
For Key Professionals
that share our core purpose to “activate citizens” (teachers, journalists, librarians, councillors, civil society) we have plenty of offers to better achieve their societal purpose and aspirations.
Find Your New Friends
The local hero*ines, that’s you! People love what you do, plenty of allies are out there. Rely on resources, flyers, posters, exhibits, actions, vivid documentation to spread word via social and news media, newsletters, face to face at market stands and workshops to get present front and centre, grow able community, impact and fun. It’s everything you need.
With your hands full of magical seeds,
whatever you do, it always brings beautiful results.
You’re backed
A Global Tribe
determined to create the next GOOD civilization. No bullshit. No time to waste.
Real support from real people
The Crash Course (online or face2face for groups) helps you get started. We help you customize tools and tricks, harness the SDGs wave until 2030, connect with allies, take (or avoid) bold steps.
Our Magical Coaches teach you precious practical stuff, from sourcing colors from plants to creating edible landscapes and doing magic theatre for the kids – all of which is good for your heart, your life and your causes!
Video-meets for classes, 1‑on‑1 sessions, live chat – also on week-ends and midnight. Because helping change-makers succeed is our play and reason for being.
Team up
Fund or in-kind support a specific YL program or a hero*ine, seed Starter Packs to schools and crisis regions …
Use our resources with your organization. Co-realize a weekly column on youth and citizen action. Add inspiring role models, can-do feel and opportunities to your campaign, event, gala, educational books and curricula.
Activate Your City with #bemoreawesome crash courses at X schools, activating Changemaker Student Clubs, allies and cascading ripple effects across the region.
Visit Your Friends
Discover Your Home Planet
Live Your Dreams
And it makes you stronger.
It’s all in Youth-Leader.Org
Your life of boring is officially over.