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CALENDAR “The 7 Virtues for Kids & Teens” (ENGLISH)


7 Teen Hero/ines embodying the 7 Cardinal Virtues – and a Year filled with learning and inspired action for children, teens and adults.

Unlock monthly action missions on the companion website to bring the virtues to life in you and around you and see real, relevant changes cascade in your community, at home and abroad. For real!

  • Inspiration – solution stories and videos
  • Trainer – learning big solutions for global issues
  • Reality Game – real-life missions, every month
  • Wonder – seeing impact unfold for your hero/ines
  • Celebration – celebrating our common achievements and scoring rewards, awards and gifts at the end of the year

Every month, we are giving you a SPECIAL MISSION

  • to unlock on the companion website
  • related to the virtue and pertaining hero/ine
  • with additional surprise challenges dreamed up by our team of furry creatures

Expect a year of fun, filled with amazing videos, music, hero spirit, enriching your days, lifestyle and possible your relations, as these actions can reverbrate across your social, family and professional network. It’s up to you what level you climb to and what prize you aim for at the end of the season – Christmas Season 2017!

Can you imagine yourself after one year?

A fun introduction for kids and gentle souls to our Change Generation Rising leadership program.

Make this gift to you, to others, to the hero/ines and to the planet. It is our operation manual to a good future.


Never has there been greater need for positive media, role models, embodied values, tangible solutions, uplifting one’s community, protecting people and planet – and nurturing an entirely different and better abled young generation.

That’s a mouthful, but it’s all true and our work meets these challenges in every regard!

This Calendar is a gem – combining conscious values, ideals, hopes, hero/ines, action and playful reality game features in completely new ways for youth of all ages.

  • inspirational contents – stories, videos, interviews, social media
  • rich action opportunity – with favorite causes and activities for everyone
  • a vibrant global community – activities visible on social media

playful action with impact

  • Every hero/ine comes with a multi-level action kit to choose from
  • Many extra missions that are EXCLUSIVE to the 7 Virtues Campaign!
  • Missions include art, media production, research, fundraisers, public speaking, projects, exibits… things that kids and teens are doing all over the world.
  • Players are equipped with top quality causes, media and our UNESCO status
  • Creations are published on our web media, some also in print and educational media
  • Fundraisers make real-life impacts for young hero/ines
  • Impacts are visually shown on hero/ines’ social media
  • Activities can be shared online and onsite with family, friends, even schools and media
  • A rewarding experience!

This calendar is an entry door to the Change Generation Rising leadership program.

the science

  1. The solutions for a world of peace and abundance exist
  2. Thousands of them are led by ordinary people
  3. What’s needed is informing the people – knowledge transfer
  4. What’s needed is awakening involvement – spirit transfer
  5. 80% of human behavior is shaped by role models
  6. Active citizenship requires learning from concrete examples
  7. Action learning is the most efficient way of skill building
  8. Play and imagination help us overcome emotional limitations
  9. Playful action strengthens our resilience
  10. Young People have superpowers unequalled and unattainable by adults

Make it a gift to the young generation and get involved as a parent, an adult ally, a teacher, at your workplace … our guidelines offer plenty of ideas!!