SUMAILI NYANGECOMMUNITY ORGANIZER IN KAKUMA REFUGEE CAMP, KENYA more info & booking Sumaili is eye witness to the catastrophes done to today’s young generation. A refugee at age 9, he has grown up in an overcrowded camp, uninspiring rations and omni-present...
OCEAN RAMSEYWATER INSPIRED * ONE OCEAN DIVING, HAWAII, GLOBAL more info & booking “What if all that we have been told about sharks is wrong?” “We will only protect what we love. And we will only protect what we understand.” Ocean is a...
DR. ANDRÉA PAIGELIVE FOR VITALITY, INSTITUTE FOR ALIVENESS, USA / PLANET EARTH more info & booking “Her students call her Goddess of Health and the Poop Guru. Do we have your attention?” Andie is known as the Goddess of Vitality, the Poop Guru and one...
CHLOE MAXIMDIVEST HARVARD * MAINE STATE REPRESENTATIVE, USA more info & booking “History will assess our generation by our response to mitigating climate change.” Chloe is a record setting student clubber and mobilizer with a great love for her natural...
DAVE MASONHOWICK COLLEGE, NEW ZEALAND more info & booking “School students are perfectly able to organize their on survival and nature expeditions.” School students can self-organize wilderness group expeditions. Yes, they can. They are not too dumb to...
DR. GAYLE KIMBALLGLOBAL ACADEMIC RESEARCHER WITH FOCUS ON YOUTH more info & booking “Do you know what global youth say about life, the world, their wishes for the future? I do.” Gayle has travelled to 18 countries all over Earth to interview over 4,000...
ROBIN GRILLEPARENTING AUTHOR, AUSTRALIA more info & booking “A bright future is upon us. We know that the simple and certain key to a good, peaceful, prosperous future simply is a non-violent childhood.” Robyn brings us the best news imaginable:...
ANDREA MENDEZ-BRANDAMN+ NOTICIAS POSITIVAS ARGENTINA RADIO MAGAZINE, ARGENTINA more info & booking “We need news programs and media that tell us solutions how we can create the better world we want and need.” Andrea home produced a weekly Positive News...
DRs. CECILIA & LUISQUMARA INTERNATIONAL, ARGENTINA + GERMANY more info & booking “As our eyes are opened to the world of wonders we live in, our relation to food, creative cuisine, diet, health, well-being and nature change beyond words.” Ceci and Luis...
GAUR KUCHHALAYURSATWA, TRADITIONAL MASTER DYER, JANIPUR, INDIA more info & booking Gaur is a traditional master dyer self-taught in the ancestral craft of Ayurvastra – nurturing health through color and clothing. Gaur sources colors from plants for...
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ROBYN HAMLYNWATER WARRIORS, CANADA more info & booking “When our water is under threat, its protection becomes priority #1.” Robyn has convinced 30 town councils to pass the Blue Community Resolution, keeping / making water public, making water a human...