An entire student body unites for one cause with encompassing vision for positive change – with different talent, passion, focus, action – aligned with club and extracurricular activities :
- social media
- student magazine
- social media campaign
- web design
- fundraising
- artwork
- music
- dance
- poetry
for #NeverAgain – to heal the school community’s trauma and protecting young people everywhere from gun violence.
THIS IS THE MODEL that we promote as YL CLAN / High Impact Changemaker Student Clubs
- uniting students across classes and grades
- for year-round, high impact youth leadership action
- for people and planet
- agreeing on encompassing vision for their generation
- with their own focus topics and activities
- organizing multifaceted fireworks of action
- cascading through their communities and media, nationwide
WE call for UNIVERSAL Action for people and planet BUT
- since many people lack awareness, vision, COMpassion for this
- and “require” … personal shock to open hearts and minds as MSD, Parkland
- the 1st example inspired BY #NeverAgain
- to re-create peaceful, thriving communities
- along this vision : RE-DREAMING OUR CITY
with the wide scope of angles and actions required – far beyond “policy”
- greening food deserts, edible landscapes, school urban farming, community gardens
- which also animate public space with intergenerational community and collaboration
- boost mental health, pacify public space, nurture practical and entrepreneurial skills
- healing and peacebuilding at internal, interpersonal, community and ecological level through trauma diaries, ending bullying, harassment, isolation, depression, stewardship of social, local and global commons
- legislation and programs for participatory budgeting, good governance, etc
- positive change media culture at the intersection of education, media, civil society
- social good and social entrepreneurship
generating countless high value educational activities at school and beyond
- uniting students across schools, districts and cities
- involving parents, their workplace communities and resources