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No teenage hero*ines in your town or country?

No changemaker student clubs at schools?

We offer strong hands-on know-how, equipment and a global ecosystem of partners

  • to enrich your young people’s and citizens’ life with swift efficient action for people and planet
  • to create an Enabling Environment for local youth to self-organize projects like teen hero*ines do

… involving stakeholders in town and region, who win-win benefit from youth leadership

… aligned with your setting, challenges, potentials

… aligned with your focus topic, region, goals, profession

I never knew young people could do this. This gives me so much hope.

You just changed my life.

Projects are now part of our life at school.

The best week of my life.

The students speak of you in admiration.

This is what school should always be like.





We help you make youth leadership part of your life and shape your region’s future connected with today’s Einsteins, Gandhis and Gryffindores.

CRASH COURSE Youth Leadership + YL 101

Discover youth leadership, teen hero*ines, YL programs, resources, relations and practice a few simple swift steps for first experiences, impact and to activate friends and allies

YL Coach Certificate

available upon completion of Phases 1 to 6


YL Coaches guide group trainings for school classes, fired up groups of friends, youth organizations, from 1-off introductions to series building up vision and action. Our flagship #bemoreawesome Crash Course is a 5 step series that can be completed over 2 days, 1 week or several weeks.


The same content as for youth but adapted to adult audiences with their specific viewpoints, questions, lifestyles, spheres of influence, skills, professions, relations


Positive worldview on youth, citizen power, society’s future and your coming decades in life.

Enables self-organization of year-round, multi-faceted fireworks of action equipped with ample resources and partners to start with flying banners.

Forms a team + enables immediate action with rapid impact on lives and land, presence at school, workplaces, in media, supportive community.

Activate Your City

Invite a YL Master Coach

(1) 4 WEEKS of conversations, networking
as consultant on the youth leadership phenomenon
, methodology, tools, partners for cultivating it in your city, schools and citizenry – through meetings with councillors, public servants, educators, civil society, mapping spaces and partners, optional exhibits, trainings, activities generating local community and media presence

(2) 8 WEEKS Activate Youth Teams campaign
to run workshops at X schools
, training students (and teachers), involving inspired youth in activating Y more schools, forming teams, taking first high impact actions, generating media presence, enabling self-organization with local and global partners (usually an 8 week program depending on city size, goals, resources and youth response); 1 YL Master Coach + YL Crew

YL Coach in Residence (in-kind support)

Do you love what we do? Do you like to give a busy YL Crew or Coach time and space to breathe and work for 4+ weeks on scouting your region

Support our work by granting space, a decent free / low budget room or camping, with good internet and access to public transport. In the big city, holiday home, retreat centre, rural, anything goes.

Dec 2021-May 2022 priorities: Eric (all over Europe on YL Pan-European Collaboration Tour) and Carina (view Coaches / Travelling Coaches)

Youth Leadership *Pilot Region*


Bring youth leadership to your region. Spread information and inspiration, map stakeholders and nurture an enabling environment for local youth and adults to self-organize high impact actions as part of a global ecosystem of partners.

For this, we draw on our resources for ESD and SDGs as Competence Partner of RCE-Ruhr, United Nations University and RCE-Berlin, with surveys and simple ways to reach out to people.

Determined individuals can do this, also without funding.

Positive News Magazine


We spark the spirit of Youth Leadership, solutions, active citizenship, changemaker student clubs and global collaboration through a hands-on solid magazine – online, digital PDF, print-on-demand as official part of the YL Magazine platform and YOUTH-LEADER educational media

  • research, map, vividly report on changemakers, magical coaches, student leaders, learnspaces, participation places, learnscapes
  • challenges, potentials, ideas, action calls
  • plus YL’s world class stories, solutions, music, action opportunities
  • to give people a rich impression embedded in beauty
  • tangible, affordable, for use at home, school, in cafes, long-term
  •  inspiring demand for “more” and “what’s next?”
  • as educational resource on ESD, SDGs, youth, your country for use at schools nationally and internationally
  • sparking follow-up, also by schools, student project, young writers team

In combination with Activate Your City Campaigns and Pilot Regions


We train groups of (key) professionals (sharing our core purpose “to enable active citizens”) such as

  • teachers, librarians, councillors, journalists, civil society, artists …

Longer trainings include swift practical steps in the local context


Positive worldview on youth, citizen power, society’s future and your professional Superpowers for boosting youth leadership and hero*ines’ high impact initiatives.

Benefits for better achieving your professional aspirations as well as your key professional societal function.

Access to quality media, methods, project partners, coaching and like-hearted practitioners community.

Enables self-organization of many activities meshed with diverse YL programs.

Enables non-formal and formal cooperation with YL.

You can bring in own project ideas to develop with YL.


1/2 day, 1 day and 2-day trainings

Youth Leadership

  • in Education in local, national and global partnerships
  • and Positive Change Media Culture
  • for Active Citizenship and Good Governance
  • to Live the SDGs in Action
  • in Family and Working Life

YL Educator Certificate

available, with access to our global practitioners community


We present and coach via video

  • for individuals and groups
  • tailored to your focus interest, setting
  • once or long-term


We accompany your projects long-term, such as

  • activating city or region
  • Global SDG School Challenge
  • setting up (a) LearnSpace(s) for youth leadership
  • youth exchange with YL Partner
  • Local YL Magazine Issue
  • your theme-specific ventures, such as reducing gun violence, hunger, street harassment …

YL Master Coach Visit

Optional : combine with e.g.

  • guided Crash Course / professional trainings
  • the YL Coach In Residence program; hosting a Master Coach for 2 to 12 weeks


and how they benefit from YL Trainings in Youth Leadership and YL 101

Youth & students

experience worldview change on the powers that children and youth can unfold – also en masse at school – as concrete vision for what they can achieve together as a generation – and with which steps to quickly conquer schools, public spaces, media, the hearts of millions, and activate parents and neighborhood.

They learn how to make life, the world and SCHOOL more awesome in a million easy fun ways – and how to connect with Adult Allies.

They learn of their superpowers and benefits as a person and as a generation.

We practice core media and methods, local and global partners, young people’s many personal benefits, and how to start the same day and never stop.


gain new worldview of children, youth, students, school, and how decisive teachers are for positive change, and how school can effortlessly better achieve its societal purpose – to 95% by empowered students united in Changemaker Clubs – and get access to many practical materials, methods, partners, community and long-term support.


gain a new worldview on children and youth around them, at schools and worldwide.

They gain new hope, competence and opportunities for positive change that they can pass on to many people  – with low threshold, informal, at home and work, in the community, online and on holidays.


gain new worldview of (their) kids’ and youth’s potentials, hope for the future, finest role models, media and resources for their children, for family activities, and methods to spark and live positive change at schools – their children’s daily hangout, and supportive community and global relations to evolve skills and relations to pursue professional paths and make a living aligned with their values.

experience worldview change on the powers that children and youth can unfold – also en masse at school – as concrete vision for what they can achieve together as a generation – and with which steps to quickly conquer schools, public spaces, media, the hearts of millions, and activate parents and neighborhood.

We practice core media and methods, local and global partners, young people’s many personal benefits, and how to start the same day and never stop.


learn of many new opportunities to evoke positive changes as a company or business using specific superpowers, location, access and community

  • to boost global hero*ines and boost local youth leadership
  • short- and long-term
  • with funds and in-kind
  • involving customers, staff, the public, relations
  • with fun, vivid images and stories
  • with rapid results impacting 1,000s of lives

They can start the same day to help amazing changemakers

  • reach next milestones
  • meet live
  • bring in own ideas
  • add in-kind support
  • see impact unfold online
  • even pay visits

and then shape own creative ventures with YL tools, methods and relations.

Public Librarians

learn of highly attractive contents, media, options, speakers and workshops on young hero*ine role models and ways to involve diverse user groups – family, children, youth, students, teachers, schools, adults

  • for fresh interactions with their user community
  • to create a “create a good world for all” LearnSpace
  • as add-on to their co-creative community centre
  • to harness 50 UN Days for thematic highlights

to strengthen outreach and interaction with

  • schools
  • young changemaker teams
  • the citizenry
  • local changemakers and coaches
  • inter/national partners

potentially serving as outer school headquarter of talented teenage changemakers from your district’s schools, who boost your space’s ambience and contribute to creating your intergenerational programs – especially for doing good for people and planet with tangible impact 

City Councillors

gain new worldview, vision and feasible model solutions for an active citizenry, animation of public space, positive media culture – by activating the young generation – and how to use their access to resources and relations (such as knowledge of the region’s resources, needs and potentials, partners, schools and media) to kick off activities that inspire and enable youth, citizens and professionals to self-organize activities, aligned with your good aspirations with cascading results in city and region

with multiple options for long-term programs activating an Able Active Caring Citizenry such as

  • SDG Challenges
  • UN Theme Days
  • SDG Action LearnSpaces
  • Youth Leadership Learning Centres
  • international partnerships + exchanges

as well as projects tailored to your local setting, needs and potentials involving

  • global experts
  • YL Master Coaches in residence

and plenty of local fired up youth that will

  • continue to unfold their skills, impact, reach
  • influence their entire generation at schools and beyond
  • for years and decades to come

like their heroi*nes peers do as teens and continue as twens …

including good governance strongly supported by the caring and newly trusting citizenry

Civil Society

gains new understanding of young people as individuals and en masse at school as powerful stakeholder for positive change, driver of active citizenship, as well as media and methods to better connect with youth and schools via Youth Leadership, SDGs, role models, enabling project-oriented and self-organized learning – and how (members of) organizations can play a precious role in the Education Landscape.

Members can train as YL Coach and reach into schools in a spirit of service to empower youth, sensibilize them for local causes and provide knowhow, infrastructure and community to make positive changes together.


Wealthholders, Funders, Donors

learn of a new mass phenomenon yet unknown in Europe but urgently needed and wanted by everyone that sees it – and  what practical steps they can take to invest in youth leadership – for example at schools and elsewhere (reserves, refugee camps, orphanages…) – also by activating their far-reaching networks.

This new phenomenon is not revolution but evolution. It is not against but for. It focusses not on protest but on projects. It does not demand action by a few but seeks to empower the masse to implement solutions.

We enable caring wealthholders to take creative part in wielding their education, knowhow, friendly relations, status, infrastructure and resources in the most beautiful ways possible – to make grand changes as well, enable magical moments and realize DREAMS for genius youth – and enjoy heartwarming non-judging community for years to come, as well as safe spaces to spend holidays with purpose without need for security, blindered cars etc. 



“Privilege” for us has zero zip nothing to do with skin pigment, age, gender, job or wealth. Also, we do not in the temporary blabla trend of labelling people. We go by spirit.

Leveraging Privilege means access to media, talkshows, media presence, galas, luxury yachts, chateaus and spaces for workshops etc

Celebrities can experience how they can use their privileges in ways to boost hero*ines and action through

  • their followers, media presence, access to ‘elites’, to other ‘celebrities, privileged people, media makers
  • via media, through campaigns, PR, financially
  • with perks for followers, also in-kind with spaces for workshops, camps, prizes and more

and they can enjoy

  • non-judging company among bright teen and twen changemakers in urban and rural spaces
  • without need for masks
  • without need for security measures


Place- & Space Owners
  • such as ho(s)tels, cafés, eco- and community centres, organic stores, family restaurants, markets, malls, companies, parks …

and mobile spaces

  • like tram, subway, train, airplane, taxis …

and grand spaces

  • like villas, castles, land, rewilding areas, estates, national parks, luxury yachts … 

learn how their space can serve to

  • inspire the public for youth leadership
  • raise funds and activate people
  • aligned with your personal and professional aspirations
  • adding gleam and purpose to your space
  • with vibrant visual media presence
  • short- or long-term, ever changing aligned with YL actions, your favorite causes, UN Days etc
  • also in partnership with local youth teams, allies and coaches

and how it can serve as LearnSpace

  • for people to gather and casually learn solutions, plan and realize projects
  • for workshops and more
  • and even for YL Warrior Camps!

appreciated as a space contributing eco-social value to the community on top of your core business = ace CSR wth lots of fun!



We care a lot to highlight the new precious skills of youth, citizens and professionals trained in high impact youth leadership and living ESD and SDGs in action

so that buzy stakeholders better recognize their quality offers and competences.

* ESD Education for Sustainable Development, UNESCO

* SDGs Sustainable Development Goals / Global Goals, UN


Cultivate High Impact Youth Leadership at schools and beyond with win-win benefits for everybody, learning culture, ESD, SDGs, professions and communes; 400+ activities, partners all over Earth, changing lives, land, learning, laws and industries

  • extraordinary knowledge of High Impact Youth Leadership, stories, anecdotes, partners and action opportunities
  • inspire anyone anytime, help youth, citizens and professionals
  • enable practical activities anywhere  
  • guide complete #bemoreawesome Crash Courses
  • wield 35 YL programs


  • up to 50% discount on YL products
  • free YL digital media
  • free support
  • access to YL Coaches
  • access to YL Project Partners
  • access to YL Tribe meetings


  • YL Coaches + Project Partners Community on Patreon
  • YL Magazine on Patreon
  • marker on YL LearnPlanet Map
  • personal profile
  • post and article


This #CoronationAcademy Certificate stands for documented completion of sets of DIY activities that the Creative Youth Coach can teach others; e.g. at youth centres, project days etc.


Coach young people in

  • DIY soap, deodorant
  • vegan delights
  • pocket garden, sprout, ferment
  • colors from plants
  • positive news media
  • positive music and arts
  • Youth Leadership …

Coach at

  • schools, kindergartens
  • nature schools
  • community centres
  • YL LearnSpaces
  • orphanages, shelters
  • refugee centres
  • town fests
  • parks and playgrounds
  • week-end workshops
  • after school programs
  • holiday programs
  • summer camps …

Excellent opportunity

  • for youth
  • for *underpriviledged*
  • acquire skills
  • non-formal learning
  • connect with schools, centres, city, civil society
  • media presence
  • + get renumerated


Solid knowledge of youth leadership essentials, young changemaker role models, methods that enrich learning culture, Changemaker Student Clubs, project partnerships, living SDGs in action, finding allies in city and region, enabling self-organization beyond school (like in sports and music)


Positive worldview on youth, citizen power, society’s future and your coming decades in life.

Enables self-organization of year-round, multi-faceted fireworks of action equipped with ample resources and partners to start with flying banners.

Forms a team + enables immediate action with rapid impact on lives and land, presence at school, workplaces, in media, supportive community.


Places where youth can get together to learn how to create a good world for all, plan and realize projects in uplifting ambience (YL Exhibit + Tool Bundle)

  • hosted by schools, libraries, communes, businesses etc.

We certify 4 levels up to International Youth Leadership Learning Centre


1 – SDG LearnZone; hero*ines + SDG exhibit

2 – YL LearnSpace; exhibit + YL Coach, Crash Course, tools, interacts with local schools, coaches and adult allies 

3 – National Youth Leadership Learning Centre; the above + activated youth team using it as HQ

4 – International Youth Leadership Learning Centre; the above + international Project Partners, voluntravel destinations


  • Access to YL Community
  • Status as YL Structure Partner
  • YL Learn Planet Map Marker
  • hotspot for the region’s YL’ers
  • connection with youth, schools, local coaches
  • vibrant images, media presence
  • multifaceted program for schools, citizenry
  • community across town
  • value for funding application
Our Strengths and USPs 'Unique Service Powers'

We offer TRAININGS + CERTIFICATIONS for caring people of all ages

  • that seek fresh ways to inspire, involve and enable people for self-organized action
  • that seek to spread and cultivate Youth Leadership, people-powered Good Practices and Positive Change Media Culture
  • that seek to fill Education for Sustainable Development ESD with life and activate students for tangible action
  • that seek to not talk about but live the UNITED NATIONS Sustainable Development Goals SDGs with relevant impact
  • that seek exciting local and global network partners 

Our examples of how one person can evoke grand changes, nurture practical understanding for the simple steps behind grand success stories, feeling the spirit, mind- and feelset shared by successful changemakers. This experience nurtures the conviction that this is possible en masse in schools, city, society, at work, and a new self-understanding of the power of one. Restart!

Our toolsets provide inspirational hero*ine role models, high impact ‘people-powered’ solutions to join and replicate, equip for self-organization and methods to get started, reach and involve many, to develop LearnSpaces and new Good Media. One does not return empty-handed hung in midair. What is learned does not fade, the upgrade is durable.

Membership in our worldwide network means friendly access to coaches, activated youth teams, schools and caring citizens like yourself. One will find rich opportunity to collaborate with extraordinary changemakers, development project partners, coaching in project development, global community, our own media platforms and fascinating destinations for voluntravel, work visits, school trips and youth exchanges …

+ We also offer coaching on SDGs, cooperation and funding opportunities.

INDIVIDUALS gain entirely new possibilities – without waiting for permissions, training, status, big member numbers or funding. This is especially true for 

  • teachers, educators, youth workers
  • journalists, media makers, cultural creatives and artists
  • city, administration and public services
  • civil society
  • companies committed to CSR, intrapreneurship, social entrepreneurship
  • citizens of all age groups
  • children and teenagers, especially in their role as school students

Our goal is to

  • swiftly enable youth of 8 to 18 years to change lives, land, learning, laws and industries like their famous peers all over the planet, and how adults can help in many ways.
  • enable adults to enrich daily life, the workplace and their profession through boosting youth leadership, global hero*ines and local youth teams
  • nurture a culture of youth leadership and active citizenship for self-organization of initiatives to achieve people’s noble aspirations
  • strengthen caring citizens’ self-understanding, agency, recognition, visibility, and ability to approach partners on all societal levels

So seize your new opportunities. We have a planet to save!



as competent citizen, profes-sional and stakeholder in creating robust, tangible positive change for youth, people and planet.


for competence of societal value, in particular for learning,  active citizenship, Education for Sustainable Development ESD, achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals SDGs agreed by the UNITED NATIONS


to the YL Tribe community uniting caring youth, citizens, professionals, coaches, global experts and grand changemakers



with partners like schools, commune, funders, civil society, media, YL Coaches and YL Partners


for local allies and our global network partners via YL Learn-Planet Map, social and local news media and newsletters