Make youth leadership omni-present taking swift, simple steps.
The YL School Program
We offer the response to your need to empower the young generation for able, active, caring citizens with exciting, authentic, current, even “live” multimedia, real-time collaboration between students, teachers and today’s Einsteins and Gandhis, and once again making schools a lighthouse of innovation in their communities.
We help you integrate positive action for people and planet in/formally without stress on finance, time or training aligned with the purpose of schooling, enriching learning culture, nurturing intrinsic motivation, creativity, collaboration and the community
- carried by changemaker student clubs – that you know from media, from awards, the kind that makes principals proud and restores humanity’s hope for our future
- harnessing untapped powers of parents and partners – in the local and global education ecosystem, / Bildungslandschaft.
The Purpose Of Schooling
Berlin’s Education Law §1 The Purpose Of Schooling
can be summed up as
“The purpose of schooling is to enable students to become able, active citizens of a continuously evolving libertarian democratic society, which today also has to be sustainable, in harmony with nature and a harmoniously collaborating global family of nations.”
and yours is probably the same. Have a look, and send us a link to it, to let us know, too.
Of course, many people like to quickly download our stories to inspire their students. This is not dishonorable, but we aim at better for youth, and for our relationship with our user community.
We wish that people, espec. educators, awaken to the need and opportunity to activate the Change Generation.
Registration is quick and free.
Most resources are available
- by free download
- some are unlocked step by step, with progress, by completion of the YL Tutorial or Crash Course
Let’s look at this in detail below.
Use resources in class
as add-ons to bring global issues alive with current, vivid, authentic stories, the finest role models, young and alive, with relevant solutions for young people to wield, empowered to follow their example and create the world they wish to see, and backed by a global community of like-hearted youth and adult allies.

Crash Course
Do it properly.
Give your entire class a solid initiation to youth leadership.
- Introduce students to a wide scope of hero*ines and causes
- Immerse the group in vivid stories, rich visuals, videos and music
- Initiate instant actions in support of fav hero*ines initiatives
with fabulous feedback (90+% agree that youth leadership is inspirational, important, should be part of life at school). Unite fired-up youth to form a student club and follow up.

Changemaker Student Clubs
Connect with them to plan ahead for upcoming UN Days of Youth, Water, Peace, Teachers etc. They are your perfect role models and experts with many stories and talents to share – also to coach inspired students.

Year-round Calendar of Action
our global community and media channels sustain a year-round stream of activities aligned with UNITED NATIONS theme days.
This year-round calendar of action provides you an excellent framework, resources, purpose, structure, as well as opportunity to connect with partners in media, civil society, city and citizenry to grow community, reach and impact.
Our youth teams use it to sustain inspiration and a multi-faceted drumbeat of action.
Youth leaders and teams can gain badges for completed missions. They can also be used to set goals, track progress and achievements in club and semester projects at school.
These badges, their impact, and vivid documentation of their activities generating presence in social, news and YL media add value to their CVs.

Activate all that you see on this page with
The Global SDG School Challenge
Take action on each of the 17 SDGs based on solution stories of 100+ young and adult changemakers, and on further essentials.
- Earn Bronze, Silver, Gold status as a school.
- Students gain badges for completed missions, generate media presence through vivid documentation, win new allies and more
This modular curriculum provides a loose, guiding framework.

resources, community, coaching, partners

FridaysForFuture @ School
begin making sense

Free/Frei-Days @ School
Do you seek to turn #Fridays into Free Days for student-powered project-learning for people and planet? How will you fill 4-6 h, 300 days a year? We provide 400+ activities, tools, tricks, partners to inspire intrinsic motivation, empower 24/7 self-organized action, follow up and live your dream
Meet Speakers LIVE
Encounter today’s real hero*ines
- via skype, at school or events
- for presentations, workshops, crash courses
to inspire positive vision, actions, as highlight of programs, as kick-off for follow-up projects.

Collaborate with world-famous Changemakers
Study solution stories of teenage and adult hero*ines, veritable Gandhis and Einsteins of today with grand solutions for people and planet – and get involved, as class, project or club.
- Restore ecosystems and peace, build arks, save species, rebuild a bond with our natural world and wildlife, establish Earth Law, assess new technologies on their dangers and benefits, and re-define and create positive news with us!
Instill positive worldview of shaping the Anthropocene – to no longer feel disempowered or scared!
Team Up with Field Partners
Establish long-term partnerships with teen / twen hero*ines
- to take their high impact initiatives to inter/national scale
- to inspire exciting youth-powered activities
- to involve your community
Run exciting development projects with other schools and amazing partners : mountain villages in the Himalayas, women defenders in India, Serengeti activists and villages pioneering new programs to protect people and planet in grave need…
You will swiftly see success unfold, change lives, generate media presence, feel your agency, develop community, meet “live”, celebrate achievements – you can even go visit!
It’s also a golden opportunity to add meaning to international course travel – as initiation, highlight, project, opportunity to document, report back, and boost reach and impact.

Re-discover your local Education Landscape
Education is no longer limited to the classroom. Across the school fence, you have many partners. Museums, music schools, sports clubs. But there are many, many more!
Changemaking connects with win-win benefits – organizations, organic farmers, parks, news media, social entrepreneurs – that have knowledge, spaces and services to share. For free,
Your changemaker student club will naturally connect with all of them on their path. Let them activate it.
Sign up and get access to our full scope of resources and services
including a global community of strongly caring and committed practitioners from all walks of life, to shape our common future for decades ahead. Why put up with less?
We encourage to start with flying banners, and get the full set of tools that we use to spark and cultivate youth leadership at schools,
in class, as clubs, at fests and beyond.