We Re-Paradize the world & our Lives
We enable you:th to change lives and land like their hero:ine peers. Join us !
We all wish to do good – in our busy lives – as youth, parent, teacher, CEO, professional, total newbie or award-winning changemaker.
YL equips you to live your good dreams, with the best from 50 years in youth leadership, civic education, experiential learning, and with cutting edge tools
Wield magic wands for swifty actions with rapid results, to activate youth, workplace and city, to epic boss battles shaping the future of entire regions. Yes!
With real hero:ines as friends, rocking positive changes becomes fun, fast, fascinating, and incredibly rewarding. Just feel the energy on this page. That is Life with YL!
Live Changemaking like a ‘Sport’
Approach problems as exciting challenges and experience opportunities. Act by yourself or team up, casual or fulltime like athletes, equipped to the teeth and backed by a global tribe. Meet lovely people, celebrate success, score badges, go amazing places and live true adventure. Stop being boring #bemoreawesome
Youth & Adults,
YL version 2024.1 is available. Please upgrade now. You’ll love it!
daily hero spirit
A Global Community
& Ecosystem of Partners
that truly care for another and live adventures together
Adults, join our Supporter Family!
Wield your powers for the *most peaceful, best educated and least partisan generation in history* to become the Change Generation. This is not a rebel generation, but a Collaboration Generation, working with good adults in all sectors! Working with them adds a sweet dose of mission, success, celebration, joy and adventure to life! Try it!
columns: boost hero:ines realize milestone, learnspace HQ pack, activate city campaign, get Home Kid & Family Pack

HELP YOU:TH TRANSFORM themselves, their lives and their world.
Speedlearn everything we know, and to wield all YL tools, programs and partners aligned with your priorities, passion, profession and lifestyle. Inspire and equip youth en masse to make rapid impact like today’s teen and adult hero:ines, to make life more awesome with magical coaches, to make youth leadership and Experiential Learning omni-present in town, to team up with stakeholders, connect with higher education, professions, municipal programs, eco-social campaigns and more.

Innovate with us !

Pacesetter, re:imagine learning Challenge, Ashoka Changemakers
Images & Voices of Hope IVOH Award
Competence Partner RCE-Ruhr, United Nations University
Official Project, United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development DESD, UNESCO
Youth leadership en masse is a game changer for society.
” All honorable people belong to the same tribe. ” – Nupa Tatanka