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#bemoreawesome Crash Course

Train yourself
on the rapidly spreading spectacular phenomenon of Youth Leadership, how to be part as youth and adult, and what you can do with YL.

Activate groups
– school classes, chapter members, staff, colleagues, citizens – with new vision, people-powered action galore, tools, methods, partners, coaches and plenty of opportunities for swift local projects, to fund global young hero*ines, team up with amazing changemakers, go visit and launch local campaigns. #bemoreawesome

#bemoreawesome Crash Course

An Initiation to Youth Leadership, YL resources, methods and partners. A direct path to action, team and YL Coach Certification. 

As individual or group, online or localguided by a certified YL Coach or self-guided using 80 guide cards and resources 


for completed Phases I-V and submitted Report

I. Discover Youth Leadership; poster set

II. The Hero*ine’s Path; 190 steps 150 activities, 2 card sets

III. Positive Change Media Culture; how to inspire and empower

IV. Paradise City; UN Days Action Map, 100+ allies, activities, spaces cardset

V. High Impact Starter Actions; swift impact, school & media presence

Resources Overview


For Everybody

Silent or loud, intro- or extrovert, a little or full-time, YL is for everybody age 8 to 108.


At home, school, work, in public, media and online, local and global.


in 2 days, 1 week or month, upgrade your powers and relations beyond your wildest dreams.


1,000 items. Favorite causes and activities for everybody. 

High Impact

like teen hero*ines, epic teachers and social entrepre-neurs do. Easy.

Certification as YL Coach

with YL Map marker, profile,  member of the worldwide YL Tribe and network.

YL LearnSpace

Set up a space
for people to get together to learn to create a good world, to plan and implement projects

  • with friends and family
  • as school class, NGO chapter
  • as a team
  • as a community
  • flair of beauty and adventure
  • self-learning resources
  • YL Coach on demand
  • activities by the host space, team
  • local and global partners
  • HQ for Changemaker student Clubs

Certification as 

  1. YL LearnSpace
  2. SDG LearnZone
  3. National Youth Leadership Learning Centre
  4. International YLLC


Poster Set / SDG LearnZone

Teen Hero*ines, Youth Leadership Essentials

Creates long-term presence at schools, centres, offices, cafes, public spaces. Option to guide, involve people, FUNdraise, build community.

XXL Ambience Posters

for flair and focus

Stay inspired, inspire newbies. Band rooms, Wimbledon halls, football stadiums all feature large posters of their hero*ines. Changemaker HQs need them, too.

#bemoreawesome Crash Course

A flying start for newbies + training as YL Coach

Alone or as Group

guided by a YL Coach or self-guided, online or local

Rapid top quality inspiration, equipment and empowerment for youth and adults to activate themselves, their schools, workplaces and city with 400 actions and global hero*ine partners.

What You can Do with YL

booklet 108 pages

An overview of the unexpected scope of resources, relations, new opportunities and benefits for youth and adults on fire to evoke big changes for people and planet together with badass change-makers and friends all over the planet

Youth Leadership XXL

basics, student clubs, adult allies; booklet 250 pages

All youth leadership essentials of the Crash Course, handy in a book.


booklet 150 pages

Set up and evolve LearnSpaces, involving youth, schools, citizens, coaches and partners in town and region.

The First 5 Min's of the Future

A quick future forecasting exercise designed by gaming genius Jane McGoni-gal – opens our mind and confidence in responding to mega challenges posed by emerging digital tech “to not regret the things you build” – great for adults and awesome to activate youth!

Global SDG School Challenge

booklet 70 pages

Inspires and involves the whole school community in a year of multi-faceted high impact action with favorite activities for everybody, and impact and media presence guaranteed! A soft holistic curriculum.

YL Cardgame

48 story pocket companion

The cardgame can be carried, other than posters and books, and it makes people smile.  Each hero card QR-links to videos. 

Germinando de Vida

Kids experiment with color from plants, seeds and germination

Teachers love science, hands-on stuff, nature and art with meaning. This exercise sparks a sense of wonder for one’s body, seeds, food and nature, as a kick off for youth-led activities.

LearnSpace Starter Box

Neat, tidy, compact comfortable packaging for the whole set of resources, with space for additional items that you will gather along the way.