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Youth-Leadership & Learning
for the 21st Century

YL For You

Realize your GOOD dreams for people and planet with swift simple high impact actions _ aligned with personal and professional life _ with exciting co-benefits and creative liberties _ YL is for everybody

YL For Youth

Live Changemaking like a ‘Sport’ with real hero:ines, 100s of missions, badges, boss battles, summer camp _ as crew, student club or warrior clan _  for magical teenage years, epic CVs and a gameful life of adventure

YL For Families

Live your values, instill a sense of planetary guardianship in your child, add meaning to family activities, travel and work, grow deep bonds, support your child at school _ with like-hearted folks near and far

YL For School

Enrich learning in class and clubs with solution stories, role models, speakers, projects, badges, experiences, field trips with amazing partners _ also beyond school ground, hours and years. Plus: A must for higher education, teacher training

YL For Key Professionals

Councilors, teachers, librarians, journalists and civic groups share our core purpose to enable active citizens. Support your professional aspirations with tools, methodology and an ecosystem of partners sourced from 100s of worldclass experts, 50 years of youth leadership and UNESCO programs

YL For Companies & Clubs

Do real good for your people and planet, unite staff to wield your powers for social enterprise, charity and youth, serve their families, engage customers, do new things with a twist of genius. Challenge yourself, team up with neighbors and step up as a pillar of peace and prosperity in your region of heart.

YL For Foundations, Wealthholders, Celebrities

Invest in true innovation for young people, education and society _ make rewarding experiences _ shape your home region’s GOOD future

Discover Young Hero:ines

_ how “enabling kids to better lives and land” has grown to 10,000s of schools _ how to make it part of your life at home, school, work, in town and media _ with stunning impact, fun and benefits


Activate friends, a class, workplace, audience or city for action with impact on lives and land, video-meet hero:ines, make news, gain a badge _ and lay a foundation for more

Your Platforms

subpage sdg partners – siarah – equip HQs, send packs – LINE – view how to support YL programs (got bigger donations to make?) magazine, local issue, training, metaweb, student leader training, activate a city campaign, coach in residence, european mobile office van for tour, red brigade europe tour

subpage incl story sets, exhibit, learnspace, mini course – LINE – equip Key Pro’s (blurb, learn more) use occasions: school and town fests, UN Days (blurb learn more), call YL Coach into town, LearnSpace Pop-Up  – LINE – the new brochures like changemaker student club, sdg partners, speakers, learnspace, collaborative, music, family activities

change this section

1. YL Experiences mit echten bildern in action – group courses, pro training and certification, pop-up learnspace, exhibits, speakers, sdg partners, boss battles, changemaker learning paths journeys, BYTE SPAREN nur 1 bild here

photos here or later on page: nidhi group, nidhi youth, eric usha, magical coach, summer camp

immersions + action + trainings + cascading ripple effects + multi-city programs

2. Learn to Dream Big in YL Style. Learn about, appropriate yourself our evolutionary YL Model to make changemakng a “sport” and omni-present in daily life throughout town and region. … mit illustrationen inkl metaweb 

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Self-/train yourself and groups on youth leadership, YL, cultivating an Enabling Environment for youth to do projects, elevating life in town _ tailored trainings for youth, citizens, teachers, librarians, mayors, journalists, funders _ become certified YL Coach

PEARL Badges

Earn and issue worldclass badges of high CV value, perfect for use at school, in Experiential Learning, for cities, civic organizations and corporations

Activate Your Region

Make youth leadership omni-present to nurture an active citizenry able to shape your region’s GOOD future, with co-benefits for stakeholders in multiple sectors

Pan-European Collaborative

Unite with Key Professional colleagues to activate High Impact Youth Leadership _ elevating European context, common goals, resources, relations, occasions and exciting experiences … and also create The Europe You:th Love

Live SDGs in Action

Shape entire regions’ future with fascinating SDG Project Partners in low income and crisis regions + SDG Sister Cities + Grand SDG Challenge

YL Programs

Paradize life with tools, solutions and support of 100s of experts all over Earth _ with surprising simplicity

Want YL Experoences, trainings, programsfor yoursef for you school, your town, but don’t have Money?

TELL US YOUR DREAMS & GOALS and if we love it, it makes us laugh, we will sponsor your YL Experience for less or even FREE!

Find out more here

Book us

Ask for YL Sponsoring (das ist gute starke werbung für mich, abgemacht dass auf school newsletter, auf event poster und in news artikel und social media, dazu gut fotos illustrieren den event, für uns zu studienzwecken, survey, doku, modell, außerdem fragebogen vielen dank an schulleitung, ausgewählte fachlehrer, schülervertreter, elternvertreter _ together we bring youth leadership forward … daher diese gegenleistungen, it is a return abd we lwearn how to support your Dream

Self organize your  YL Experience. You Can Do It!


If You LOVE What We Do

Shop Products with true Hero:ine Spirit

Books, student planners, calendars, shirts …