clear, concise beautiful positive
include on page
keep it short, but offer access to rich ifnormation. i dont like to write another brochure now. i can put the info in YL traiing course for teachers. that is whwre i want toeachers to go to build community. so, that is where i lead them. no other option to get rich info. they get a lot from yl starter and for you and lazy guide already.
make columns with much white space (gutter 4) with CLIPART, short text for these
- raise awareness with surveys for youth, EL teachers, parents, mayors, funders
- school is most important. ll young people’s daily hangout. reach all for years, reosurceful, superpowers
- EL culture, PEARL badges, civic and pro competences
- the learner at the center, student driven, clubs, intrinsic motivation
- ganztagsschule – zeit für projekte
- project partnerships – start with flying banners, rich student engegament,
- we see students as our friends. yes, this is how we have experienced it. – sweden
- bring bildungs / lernlandschaft zum leben
- a whole society task, enable engagement, see yl in city, model, supportive circles
clipart bild + titel
text ganz kurz
clipart bild + titel
text ganz kurz
clipart bild + titel
text ganz kurz
The description is this
The description is this
YL Coaches
The description is this
Project Partners
The description is this
Magical Coaches
The description is this
Without and with YL
student engagement at school and ebyond schoo fence