“We need news programs and media that tell us solutions how we can create the better world we want and need.”
You don’t need a degree in journalism studies, an expensive studio and staff to create a Positive News Radio Show.
All you need is
- to love what hero*ines do, their actions
- to wish to see them happen everywhere
- to drop all shame & speak out like you see hero*ines do
- to be willing to dig into basic tech skill
- much of which you can share as a team of friends
You can have a lot of fun doing that!
Andrea is the perfect, casual, bubbly self-made coach for you to believe in your powers.
Andrea launched N+ Noticias Positivas Argentina from her home, and soon reached 3 million monthly listeners via 120 partner radio stations, enthusiastic about reporting on solutions and changemakers. She has worked with print newspaper, community radios and social business. Her venture has grown into a full fledged positive news radio magazine with paid employees and interns.
Will you also create new, meaningful media programs for people and planet?
positive news
home-produced news
social-minded community radios
Learn and reflect on positive news media culture.
Browse N+ Radio Magazine sections.
Ideas for Conversation
Have an open conversation. What relevant stories on people-powered solutions that enable you to take actions beyond a green smoothie and self-made soap (consumption) with relevant impact on lives and land near and far you have ever learned from your media.
Why do practically all your country’s news media, tv programs and family magazines fail to produce such relevant content … at a time of unprecedented crisis, mental illness, environmental destruction … but submerge you in horror, fantasy, sports, ads, opinions, films and songs glorifying people that hurt others to make money (mafia, gangsters) while everybody complains about how bad bullies are?
What young and adult hero*ines do you know from media? Shouldn’t it be far more than six? How often have you felt inspired to take action and do like them? Why not? Is this irrelevant for your society’s future?
Rate your country’s biggest media, also youth media from 1-6 or A-F on their contribution of relevant content that helps end abominations we all want to disappear (child abuse, rape, street harassment, gun violence, mafia, corruption, dirty industry, high rates of allergies, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, war, ecosystem destruction, extinction…) and in case of grades 1-4, A-D give examples of concrete measurable change that happened due to media reporting.
What will good, relevant media in this time look like?
For teams of 3 in your group : Research and compose 1 hero*ine or model solution story (local, national, global, whatever) that is of value to youth and adults that care to make changes for people and planet in their communities and beyond.
Benchmark of selection
To make the story relevant, make sure that the hero*ine or solution is a strong mix of these:
- high impact
- well documented online in text, photos or even video so that audiences can memorize it and known how it works
- replicable by youth and / or adults
- accessible for info, Q&A so that inspired people can ask burning questions, via website, email or video
and make sure it’s not on simple production or consumption (picking up plastics, painting garbage cans, bamboo tooth brush or another vegan recipe blog) or evident government policies (such as someone declared a nature or ocean reserve) but about PEOPLE-POWERED ACTION that youth and adults can do – projects that change lives and land for the better. In some cases, it can be policies that turn dull towns into Paradise City.
Production Tips
Harness your entire group’ diverse talents. Add vivid visual touch, design, layout and print stories to make a Wall Display that reaches 100s at school, in public spaces. You can also make it brochures to share with parents, teachers, councillors… think big and think what it might spark in them. Will it spark follow-up? What stories might do so?
Create for publication in YL media. Will you even create stories of relevance for Argentina, for South America, or ready to publish in spanish?
Your conversation can have sparked a lot of ideas, such as a contribution to N+ or your own full fledged productions on your choice of region, focus and form.
You know that with YL, you can produce for real publication in real public and educational media that will get used by young people for years to come. We collaborate with you on magazine, translations, theme issues, radio show complete with jingles and interviews, youtube video series, photo essays, an audio series for children, a local issue with a mix of local solutions, changemakers, great places and also problems with global solution examples and action calls to fix them, to be listed as part of the YL Magazine family, you can also invite other groups and schools to join in this creation, short- and long-term.
Connects great with
Song Thrush Productions, Britain
Youth-Leader, #BeMoreAwesome, Boost! Club, TribalTravel, RCE Berlin, Germany – Global