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… one of the worlds most reverred and oldest Shaman Healers of the Amazon Taita Querubin Queta Alvarado. Being versed with innate gifts in Shamanic healing knowlege, he has a long way to go to be recognised as a Shaman.




Taita Querubin Queta Alvarado is a most respected elder, shaman, spiritual leader and medicine man from the Cofán people of Colombia. He has travelled the world to share his spiritual knowledge and speak of healing ceremonies and traditional medicine.

Taita Querubin is not just one shaman among thousands. This would be like saying that the Dalai Lama was a monk among tens of thouands. What the Dalai Lama is to his line of Buddhist tradition, Taita Querubin is for shamans in the Amazon. He is also what Sven Vaeth and Jeff Mills are to techno, and has stayed up late until daybreak more often than them – conducting beautiful sacred ceremonies healing people from trauma and opening their senses to the great mysteries of life. This is the real thing, and oftentimes for free, since true MEDICINE IS NOT FOR SALE. (For more insights to traditional healing and comments on current suboptimal habits of practitioners, charlatans and tourists, read what Luz has to say)

He has spoken on behalf of his people and Amazonia at the UNITED NATIONS, at the British House of Lords and others.




He is the highest authority among the Cofán indigenous people and has served as the spiritual guide of this community for many years. He founded the organisation Zio-A’I, meaning Wisdom Union, and is here to call attention to the real threat of the potential disappearance of the Cofán tribe, which currently numbers as few as just 2000 people.

I have had opportunity to meet him in ceremony around the year 2003, a time that his people had prepared a holistic sustainable development plan, – “el Plano de Vida” – the Plan of Life – well in tune with the pillars of Agenda 21, designed by the UNITED NATIONS at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro 1992. In many council meetings, seventy communities along the Amazon, had put together their best knowledge, agreements etc and ALIGNED them with the BEST of the modern world. I was floored to see this from the indigenous people. It was perfect, like designed by the UN’s leading holistic development experts.




But it was at this time, that the worst of our “civilized” world came upon them with utmost ferocity: civil war, paramilitary assaults, criminals, drug war, aerial fumigation of supposed coca plantations in their region poisoning forests and rivers, killing children and adults, hundreds of tribal members murdered, cut apart with chainsaws, heads dumped into rivers, Querubin hunted, his own son, also a traditional teacher, dead.

Times have slightly calmed down, but the networks are shredded. Now it is no more about life, but about survival. There is no need to go into details about responsible parties in decision-making. Now that the ideological civil war between socialist rebels and capitalist government has at last calmed down, sound minds can also let old colonial spectres go to rest, relax and recognize that the forest dwellers are wonderful, peaceful people, with rich scientific knowledge of the most biodiverse habitats on the planet, holding treasures for centuries to discover for medication and health, living sustainable lifestyles, keeping this pillar of the global climate intact.

There is no reason to shred and exterminate them for a few more bits of fodder for eroding 19th century industries that are going extinct in the next few decades. The value for human civilization for centuries ahead is the Amazon as the planetary womb, and its kind, sharing stewards. And that, looking at our societies’ lifetimes – is FOREVER!


Right now, we need to help with a rocking FUNDRAISER!


Built on our long-term friendly ties and trust, TAITA QUERUBIN IS REACHING OUT TO US and YOU and our YOUNG GENERATION around the planet to help him secure his home, and set up a four-lodged sacred teaching centre in the jungle. Querubin has been teaching students all over the country. This will help him enhance his output, like a proper university or academy does. But for his likes, simple traditional buildings are sufficient. We will also establish internet connection. The costs are very modest.

And we are planning for unique perks and gifts in return: (sacred) jewelry, created by his family and clan.

We are already planning for getting him official accrediation with UNESCO’s program for Living Human Treasures, designed precisely for cases like him, where ancient culture knowledge of humanity would disappear the very moment that he leaves his body. And there is more that we are working on for the benefit of the Amazon and the planet. We’ll let you know soon.

Let’s get the momentum going!





A few impressions from recent years


Taita Querubin has been representing the Amazonian peoples many times, to the UNITED NATIONS and others.


Taita Querubin Queta Alvarado – Speaking at the House of Lords 18/10/11

Special Event at the House of Lords: Taita Querubin Queta Alvarado speaks as a guest of the Wisdom Trust.

“On behalf of 7th Breath and The Wisdom Trust, we present Taita Querubin, who is the most respected native healer in Colombia and across Latin America. In this presentation, he will share his thoughts and concerns with the audience, outline the key facts about his native community and deliver a sample of his native wisdom, some of which he feels might be useful even for us in the developed world.”




Abuelo Querubín Queta Alvarado, gobernador del pueblo Cofán




A personal message from YL Captain, Eric:


I have had opportunity to meet him in ceremony around the year 2003, a time that his people had prepared a holistic sustainable development plan, well in tune with the pillars of Agenda 21, designed by the UNITED NATIONS at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro 1992. In many council meetings, seventy communities along the Amazon, had put together their best knowledge, agreements etc and ALIGNED them with the BEST of the modern world. Bravo, I said.

But it was at this time, that the worst of our “civilized” world came upon them with utmost ferocity: civil war, paramilitary assaults, criminals, drug war, aerial fumigation of supposed coca plantations in their region poisoning forests and rivers, killing children and adults, hundreds of tribal members murdered, cut apart with chainsaws. Querubin hunted, his own son, also a traditional teacher, dead.


And now?

Times have somewhat calmed down, but the well organized nation has dissolved, and now special interest groups are planning for oil exploration in their SACRED homelands of the Amazon Basin.

ALL experience throughout the past century have proven that oil exploration in rainforests and indigenous territories lead to

– ecocide

– genocide

on mass scale. Prominent case studies include Chevron’s impact on Ecuador (convicted to pay $100 billion to repair the damage and human suffering) and the Niger Delta. An unpleasant harbinger of current conventional economic development is that 13 tribes in the new “free trade zone” in Colombia created for the EU. When indigenous representatives travelled to Europe, to tell the EU’s chief representative that “according to the law, constitution and the UNITED NATION’s Declaration for the Rights of Aboriginal People, we are supposed to be consulted by the government, but no one ever spoke to us, and experience of the past 40 years tells us that these 13 tribes will be exterminated,” the EU chief in charge responded that “The EU needs these resources, and the Colombian government has assured us that everything went fine.”

You can imagine what unbridled oil exploration is going to cause, in a country where politicians, paramilitaries and citizens openly call traditional Forest Dwellers savages and apes in the path of development and the right of all citizens’s access to the resources.

This is not true for ALL Colombians, of course.



Building friendly alliances



We are now building friendly ties with the peaceful, sound, respectful, pro-peace, pro-human values, pro-sustainability, pro-nature segments of society across government, academia, education, media and citizens nationally AND globally

TO QUICKLY SET UP a teaching centre for Querubin to pass his knowledge to as many students as possible. This requires only a few thousands dollars

TO SET IN COURSE ELEVATED CONVERSATION with society, stakeholders and decision-makers which world they want, which activities they wish to happen in the Amazon in their lifetime, and THAT the forest dwellers are sound, peaceful people just wishing to live

– depending on clean forests and rivers


– fishing depend on clean coastlines and waters

and that the forest dwellers may be granted THE SAME that we naturally GRANT and DEFEND for our fishermen:

1. PEACE not war, crime and rape

2. CLEAN ECOSYSTEMS, not oil pollution


Hope is strong. Times are changing. Let’s SAVE this important pillar!


It is absolutely certain that humanity has the sound, safe, smart technologies and WAYS for not causing genocide and destruction of planetary ecosystems, EVEN when working on oil extraction. Maybe also in the Amazon, with extremely high awareness and good will. But pipelines in civil war regions, racist workers, militarized security personnel, a climate of lawlessness are something that all people need to tackle to live up to the common humanity that we all pretend to possess.

LAWS prohibiting genocide and ecocide ARE on the way !!!!! to being established on Planet Earth over the next fivem ten, twenty years. There is no doubt, that Ecocide WILL become the 5th Crime Against Peace at the International Criminal Court, putting CEOs, heads of state and investors responsible for activities entailing ecocide and genocide into court and prison – personally! ALREADY, the Statutes of Rome allow to put genocidal industrial practices on trial. And this is being prepared right now, also. THESE LAWS may protect the AMAZON and millions of other places on the planet, soon. These Earth Law movements are among our priority campaigns, and you can get involved in many powerful ways.

So, there is hope for all tree- and humanhuggers, and there is good reason for all politicians and business executives and investors to already invest in proper ways, since the investments in “industries with heavy dirty human and ecological colletaral damage” taken for decades to come will not pay off in the new legal climate.

RIGHT NOW, WE NEED TO HELP those living right there.


If you need a final motivation – here it is.

Like all true changemakers and sacred practitioners, Taita Querubin is SUPER KIND and SWEET.


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The world has few such Grand Gandalfs. On every continent. This one has been here for long, and has been spending countless hours and nights helping people heal from their trauma, and discover the mysteries and miracle of life. Now he needs a little help in return to pass on this grand treasure to the next generation. For humanity, tens of thousands to benefit from it, and the realms of spirit, animals and forest that communicate with him.

I am super excited that we can do this.

What an honour, my friends!


We are preparing our media to help you organize a successful fundraiser at your school, company, office or community. Please visit our Field Partner section. If you wish to get started, right now, contact us and we will send you what you require.