How (not) to behave with wildlife, set up seed libraries, tower gardens, make vegan dessert, epic focaccia, ferment sauerkraut, source colors from plants for arts and make-up, fair fashion trade, upcycle farm fences to furniture …
Sounds great for learning, school yards and life in town?
Here are your friends to unlock your new magical skills!
Our Definition of Magical Coaches
There many people out there doing special stuff, like bee-keepers, animal trainers, horse ranchers, you name it … but not all of them can explain things, have a Heart for kids, teens, people and planet or are kind, pleasant and fun to be with. And that’s not people we would ever want to meet, inite into school or recommend teens to go visit.
But there’s absolutely lovely people that know how to teach and who love kids and teens and to see great good happen for people and planet … the “everybody’s favorite teacher” type of person.
There’s one more thing. YOUTH LEADERSHIP may get inspired in class and does get cultivated in student clubs, but most action happens after school hours, in early evenings, on week-ends and on holidays – such as music and sports – with week-end tournaments and evening concerts.
So, how many lovely adults coaches are available for week-day morning video-meets and workshops, how many after 5pm 17h, how many on week-ends? Well, our Hero*ine CHANGEMAKER friends ARE, since they put people and planet first #fulltimeforfuture. And many MAGICAL COACHES are.
For years or even decades, they have hoped for good nature education, for the young generation to rise and move mountains – and when they see it happen, it is their dream come true and their favorite lifestyle and sport to welcome youth on week-ends to do great things together! And if life allows, they respond to video calls on saturday evening.
Many YL Coaches are delighted about 11pm 23h urgent video calls for tips how to get the presentation or event right the next morning or to find healing, because this is when we are most needed for our beautiful youth. It’s why we’ve come to this planet at this special time.
So – use this extraordinary OPPORTUNITY to connect THE YOUNG GENERATION and MAGICAL COACHES.
MAGICAL COACHES also exist in your region!
Study our line-up for examples – also our YL LearnSpace section and Corona Academy for ideas – and make them visible for many like-hearted people like caring teachers and 100s of students by getting them on the YL LearnPlanet Map
Natural colors + cosmetics, dyeing garden builder, sevengardens, Germany
Adventuress of inner and outer Nature, Germany
Theatre coach, youth organizer, community centre, South Africa
No need to wait for us to be in town.
We can also meet via video.

Video Meeting
45+ minutes
Prep study + activities recommended

90 min to project days and weeks

Visit their Space
Many Magical Coaches have a studio or farm that you can visit, also in India, Africa, Croatia or the Bulgarian mountains with winding rivers to dig gold and gemstones. Get moving!
There exist Magical Coaches in your region, too!
They are great partners of teachers, activated youth and YL Teams.
Help us make them visible to each other by putting them on the map.
Who are ...
… your region’s people that teach practical skills with a touch of magic and who are lovely to be with
… and are willing to show youth their world, potentially involve them in activities at times of the year or even team up to work together?
We are sure there are more than any of us know. But together with your growing web of friends and allies, you’ll find them. They strongly enrich your life!
Examples are countless … such as super nice bee-keepers, artists, upcyclers … also permaculture farmers that give tours or even involve fired up youth in cultivation or harvest – to makie the experience of abundance!
Our LearnPlanet Map is under development, but we all know it’s precious. It will grow with leaps and bounds. We’ll keep you up to date via newsletter.
Can we learn practical skills via VIDEO?
YES! You are not limited to meeting us in person in your town. We reach many schools and crews via video for a very practical, rewarding and empowering learning experience using
- our films, photos, stories, websites, social media and action guides = open access, sovereign self-organized learning
- for proposed prep- and follow-up activities = time for self-guided experiment, discovery and reflection
- topped off with our encounter as highlight that your crew works towards = weeks of excitement
- to tell of your breakthroughs and breakdowns – making you part of the encounter = a conversation
- and learn of tricks how to better achieve = everybody participates in the enquiry
You will experience a lot of ah’s and oh’s, because much is common sense, but – one needs a genius to unveil it.
there’s time for magical stories, epic anecdotes, silly moments, giggles and dreaming up what’s next.
So stay open to surprise. We do!
Surprising advantages of this approach
Prep and follow-up can be as short or long as one lesson or one month. You decide what fits you best.
Also, your students are free to decide by their individual interest, ideas and passion
- how much time they invest
- whether they follow up at home
- form a student club
- or even connect with the magical coach online!
- photos, stories, pages to follow – if they want
- additional films to view – if they want
- group conversation on what they discovered
- their choice prep- or follow-up activities
- a concrete result and experience to share with peers
- and to share with THE EXPERT who *listens to them*, agrees, Hi5s, learns, welcomes ideas
- with opportunity to connect with them online for more …
- and options to work together
- and to teach new favorite skills to peers – with potential support by the expert e.g. in student club projects
- (how often do young people such an experience of being taken seriously by an adult, and a genius adult??)
is much richer than a common one-off workhop of an expert rushing in and off and students not immersed deeply enough to care, learn and what to do by their own.
and it is perfect opportunity for a flanking entirely informal
since your group activities generate countless magical moments to capture on photo or film, as stories and testimonials
- to share with peers, family, reports
- on all their social messaging apps
- on the coach’s social news media – of course !!
- on news media, on YL media
- on the school newsletter
- + as print out photo mosaic at public libraries and school fests for parents to see
It is a wonderful collateral swift and casual yet meaningful media production and social media use experience, without additional effort; it may in fact enthuse students considerably more, also those not enthusiastic about the core activity, and may lead to formation of a media crew also for other activities and Changemaker Student Club collaboration. KNOW YOUR NERDS. Know their passion. Bring out their talents. Give them magical opportunities with relevant results.
- that reaches 100s or even 1,000s of people
- uplifts audiences them, may inspire some to get active or involved
- may spark demand that your students tell their story and teach these skills at other schools
These are POTENTIALS. To what degree opportunities are seized … depends on your participants.
What’s important to us is that we offer an OPEN LEARNING process opportunity, so that new fresh flame of inspiration in students’ hearts gets squashed by “we don’t have time for that” and staying empty-handed and alone. Because that’s heartless.
We hope you LOVE it as much as we do, and we look forward to hear of you, listen to your aims and make the most of it.